Chapter 11

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(A.N:  2 updates. Enjoy. -XO Nessa)


*One Month Later*

Its been a month of Shawn being a total ass. (Excuse My Language)  But it's true. He has done nothing but being rude to you.  You have no clue why he was acting like this. From one minute he was acting like a total goof and telling you a joke to the next minute where he is telling you he doesn't even want to look at you. But today you had enough of this. You are going to march right into his room and tell him flat out what's wrong. Or that's what you tell yourself anyway. You get off of your chair and push it in the desk and walk over to his room. 

You are so upset with the way he is treating you that you open the door without even knocking. You probably shouldn't have done that because when you walk in you see Shawn and some random chick doing it at his desk. Yes, they are having sex and you just walked in. From opening the door it caused them to look up and stare at you. You get nervous and embrassed because of what is happening and what is unfolding in front of your face that you let out a quiet sorry but loud enough for them both to hear and close the door and hurry back to your desk. 

Since you got back to your desk you just stared at the wall. Granted you have work to do but you could think of anything but what you saw. It has been 15 mins since you saw Shawn and that girl doing it and no one walked out of the room. The one thought that kept coming back was that he was a player and that he also played you that night. That the only reason why he talked to you that night was just to get into your pants. 

After another 5 mins of you doing zero work and just continued staring at the wall lost in your own world you are pulled out by a door opening and closing behind you. The person who made the noise is now standing in front of you. You pulled your attention away from your thoughts and directed it to the person.

•Convo Between You and Hailey •

Hailey: Hi

Y/n: Hi is there something I can help you with.

Hailey: Ya there is

Y/n: Okay how can I help you.

Hailey: Learn to knock

Y/n: Excuse me

Hailey: Oh look who learned her manners.

Y/n: I'm sorry?

Hailey: It's okay just know for next time because there will definitely be a next time.

Y/n: duly noted. (Note the sarcasm)

You knew you were getting angry at her. Who the hell is she to walk right up to you and tell you to go learn some manners. Doesn't she know its rude to have sex in a building where she doesn't belong? If you were rude like her you would have said something but you aren't so all you were left replying with sarcasm.  Something you always seem to use. Sarcasm is like a personality trait for you. You started to get somewhat happy because Hailey was leaving and heading for the elevator. But she turns back around and started heading back to you and your good mood goes away. You were going to ask why she was back so soon but she bet you to it. 

Hailey: Also stay away from my man 

Y/n: Your what

Hailey: My man. But for you, it's Mr. Shawn Mendes

Y/n: Oh him. Don't worry I'm not into him. I actually dislike him very much.

Hailey: Okay just making sure you are trying to use him to cheat on his girlfriend.

Y/n: Okay well is that all. Can you leave?

Hailey: Yep I'm leaving now. Tootles 

Y/n: Tootles?

(A.N: No hate to Hailey Bieber "that's who is being referred to." Or anyone that's named Hailey.) 

As you watch her finally leave the floor. You get trapped back to your thoughts that you had before Hailey came and talked to you. As you were going through all your previous thoughts remembering what you were feeling through all of thems. You were ripped out of your thoughts yet again but this time you were scared. You were scared because it was Shawn yelling your name from his office which was right behind you. You didn't waste a second and ran to his door. You knocked on the door with your shakey hand and opened it slightly to see him. Right, when you looked inside you noticed him staring right at you, you were going to say something but Shawn bet you to it. 

•Convo Between You and Shawn •

Shawn: Oh so now you know how to knock 

Y/n: I'm sorry about that

Shawn: Are you sorry about that. I had to rush it. I couldn't even enjoy it.

Y/n: I am sorry for interrupting you but I didn't need to know that.

Shawn: We are not here to talk about me we are here to talk about you and your mistakes.

Y/n: My mistakes. What did I do wrong? If anyone did something wrong it would be you. 

Shawn: You barged into MY office without knocking so you invaded MY personal space. And what did I do wrong exactly?

Y/n: What didn't you do. You have been mean to me and you were saying nasty things and doing rude things to me. 

Shawn: Really that's it. Because I wasn't acting nice to the queen. That the queen needs everything she wants. Is that what led you to come barging into my office while I was working.

Y/n: Really now I'm a queen and no that isn't why I came. Not because I think I'm a queen and need everything. Also, you were definitely not working, and if that what you call working then I really like to see you do what everyone else thinks is working. 

Shawn: No why then. What was the reason to come bother me? Also, you are getting on my last nerve because your face is annoying me.

Y/n: That's my point. you are being mean to me for no apparent reason. That's why I came to your office I wanted to talk about your behavior.

Shawn: No apparent reason. Ugh. I think there is a reason. And what behavior I have no behavior.

Y/n: So tell me what the reason is. And you most definitely have a behavior. 

Shawn: You want to know who has a behavior you have the behavior. you are so-

Whatever Shawn was saying was cut off with your endless thoughts. You tried to sort everything and what you were going to say next. After you sorted through things you started getting lost in your random thoughts yet again another thing you always do.  You were then pulled out of your thought by Shawn yelling at you.

Shawn: Y/N! Really you aren't going to listen. You came in here and started an argument and now you aren't going to listen. 

Y/n: You called me in here and started getting mad at me when all I wanted to do was apologize. You took this way out of portion.

Shawn: Me? I took this out of portion. You were the one who- 

Y/n: Enough. Okay, stop getting mad at me and lashing out on me. Just stop talking.

Shawn: Okay then what do you want me to do. Why are you still in my room.

Y/n: You can talk but talk like a normal person.  I'm here in your room to talk to you. So can we at least have a somewhat civil conversation?

Shawn: Okay.

Y/n: okay?

Shawn: let's try and have a civil conversation. 

Y/n: Okay let's talk then. 

(A.N: Like Comment and Vote Please. -XO Nessa)

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