Chapter 9

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(A.N. I did. I posted it on the right day again. I should get a gold star sticker for my achievements. Also SM3 turns one today. I mean what better way to celebrate than releasing SM4 Hint hint, Shawn. Anyways enjoy this chapter. XOXO Nessa)


So his name is Shawn. It's not that I didn't know that because he is Shawn freaking Mendes. But that's enough of screaming or fangirl over him because now I work for him so everything from here on end needs to be professional. 

Shawn: So you are going to work for me now.

Y/N:  you slightly nod your head yes 

Shawn: Really you aren't going to speak to me. What's wrong with you?

Y/n: Sorry Nothing

Shawn: Oh so she can talk. Well, now that you are talking to me can we start to get to know each other.

Y/n: Okay ya I'd like that.

We get comfortable and look at each waiting for one person to start asking questions. At this point, it looks like no one is going to start talking. You get happy that he took it upon himself to start it off.

Shawn: Okay so what's your name.

You are good at hiding your feelings or what is going on with you. You had a hard time trusting people with valuable things and especially when people just entered your life. So during this situation your mind keeps telling you not to talk to him and if you do its about business and business only.

Y/N: Nope not saying. (Shakes your head side to side signaling you aren't going to tell him) 

Shawn: What do you mean no. How am I going to know your name?

Y/N: I mean no I'm not going to tell you. Maybe later but not now.

Shawn: Okay. it's later are you going to tell me now. 

You laugh slightly at his goofiness and shake your head no again.

Shawn: But you already told me the other night why can't you tell me now.

Right when Shawn brought up the other night your back shoot up straight because you didn't think he would bring up that night. Especially in his workplace. How about if there were people listening. Or if there were cameras watching you guys. As that thought appeared in your mind you started to look around the room to see if there were any cameras or if anyone was listening. 

Shawn: Are you done looking around. There no cameras or people around.

You look back at him with a confused look on your face. You think back to see if you had said anything out loud that would make him say that. But as you watch his face its shows that he has been through this or something like this before. You just shake your head and wait for him to continue speaking.

Shawn: Can I at least get a reason as to why you won't give me your name. 

Y/n: It's not that you're not allowed to know my name. It's just part of the mystery

 Shawn: What mystery

Y/n: The mystery called my life. 

You didn't lie. You just didn't say the whole truth. Who would want to? He will just feel sorry for you and probably won't want to work with you if you told him your whole past. It could also scare him away. It already scared the majority of the people you knew away so what's stopping him leaving if you told him. You only work for him anyway. He can see that you are getting lost in your mind of thought, he decided to pull you out asking yet more questions that you probably won't give him answers to. 

Personal assistant (Unedited) Shawn Mendes Fan Fictions ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now