Welcome to the madness, Baby!

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                                       Cross- posted from AO3

(A/N: For everyone's information, and my own peace and happiness, 1. Yes this is my fanfic, 2.I'm not copying anyone, 3. My username on AO3 is ChopinLiebchen1810.)

"Hi, Jimin-Oppa, Joonie-Oppa!" "Hello! It's nice to meet you!" Jimin responded with a blinding smile, while Namjoon beamed next to him, pretending to be resting his voice for a moment.

In truth he was fighting his little space desperately, as neither the fans nor his brothers knew.

He forced his little space back just in time to see Jimin take a few cute pictures with the fan, before she hands him a second gift, before moving on to him.

"Thank for writing no more dream and do you, Oppa. They helped me so much." "O-oh, he mumbled, caught off guard. "You welcome. I'm glad they helped you feel better. Should we take a picture?"

He giggles when one of the air fans blow her hair into his face because it tickles, and he's slipping, and he's completely slips when she tells him to "Show the camera your aeygo, baby Joonie"!

He squeals 'ago!' in his cutest voice as she snaps a picture, before putting her phone back in her pocket. Then he begins opening the little box she's handed him, a confused look on his face when he sees a aray of his favourite character pacis.

"Try one! They're so you can have something clean in your mouth when your fidgeting, and so Hobi-oppa fingers will be safe." When he hesitates, his little self still not sure if their really for him {no one buys little Joonie things, unless its Big Joonie}, she picks up a Ryan paci and gently pushes it into his mouth, then shows him a picture of himself.

"Joonie likeu-likeu!" The little screams, although no one understand his baby babble, as the room suddenly falls silent and everyone stares at Namjoon.

Scared the little begins crying and making grabby hands at Jimin, who looked between the others, Namjoon, and the fan, who nodded when he picked him up.

"Did you know?" "I didn't know, Jimin-Oppa, but I have a friend who's a little, and several baby cousins. I learned to notice most signs. Please give these to Joonie. Dont forget a carseat for him. He might be around 6 months old right now. Fighting, Oppas!"

Jimin nods, thanking the fan as she walks off while trying to comfort his now baby hyung. "You're OK, Jiminie got you, ok. Jiminie will protect baby Joonie. He says, pushing Namjoon's hair out of his face.

He hears a fan mutter freak as she walks past the table toward the exit. Grabbing her arm, he glares at her. "Don't call Namjoonie that word, or anything else like that! It's not his fault! He's very stressed out! Don't make him more stressed out! And a true ARMY wouldn't say that about anyone! Understand?"

"Y-yes Oppa. Sorry, she whispers, as Jimin flips long invisible strands of hair over his shoulder. "Now go home, and do whatever apology ritual ARMYS have." Jimin snaps, angry that she or anyone would say that about Namjoon.

"Hyungs, I'm taking him to the store nearby, he needs a car seat, and something to eat." Jimin says to other members, strapping a face mask on, and wrapping Joonie in a Ryan blanket. The other members nod and Jungkook races over. "Hyung, can I come? I can hold Joonie when you get tired. Please?"

"Come on, I want to be back quickly so we can get home. And Joonie should eat soon." Jungkook nods, grabbing his and Jimin's backpacks and the two leave after saying bye to the others. After three road crossings, where Jimin handed Joonie to Kookie {Joonie had caught sight of of puppy and was squirming furiously}, they reach the baby store in the center of the mall.

"Jungkookie, which baby carrier-" "Good evening, gentlemen. Do you need help picking up something for your baby?" "Please! We need a carrier that can stand lots of everyday use, possible wearing during dance performances and practice sessions, and good for photoshoots, etc. Do you have anything?"

"I'm going to guess that one of you like Ryan, so I'd say this one. The Store worker said, handing Jimin a box. "Sometimes we have celeb couples here, and this is the brand they choose most often. Do you need help with anything else?"

"A crib, bottles, diapers, wipes, bibs, baby food, basically everything." Jimin says, grabbing a cart from outside the store. The two follow the worker around, picking up things. After paying they leave to find seats where they wait until Seijin-hyung picks them and the baby supplies and takes them back to the dorm.

While Jin cooks dimsum, rice, and heats kimchi up with Jimin's help, J-Hope, Suga, and Jungkook organize the toys, baby foods, formula, bottles, and wash the baby clothes, Taehyung plays with Namjoon, giving him a tour of the house as well as trying to get him to say Tae-tae.

When the tour {and the setup/cleanup} is finished Tae-tae carries Joonie over to Suga. "See Appa, Joonie? Where's Joonie's Appa? Go to Suga-Appa." Taehyung said cheekily, hand the baby to Suga. "Yah, Taehyung, you more disrespectful than Jimin and Jungkook! Joonie, don't be like your Tae-tae hyung, OK."

"Let me have him, so he can go sleep. He needs to eat anyway, Jin says, taking the baby from Suga and heading up the stairs toward his and Suga's room. "Should I make a bottle for him, hyung? Jungkook asks, halfway to the kitchen. "Just go eat, I'll feed him. What?!" Jin says when the others stare at him frozen.

"You're going to..." Jimin trails off, a bright red blush burning his and then others cheeks as they realize what Jin meant.

"Yes. What did you think I bought the pump for? And how did you explain the frozen white milk stuff in the freezer? And my random trips that no one but Seijin-hyung and Bang-pd know about? Now no loud noise! Babies need quiet when they're breastfeeding!"

Jin says firmly before heading up the stairs and disappearing into the room. The others move into the dining room silently, and begin dishing out their food. "I make a motion that we never tell Namjoon that when he's in little space he is busy sucking on Jin-hyung's b-b-b-breasts."

J-Hope says, raising a shaky hand to begin the vote. "I second the motion, Suga said solemnly. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook raised their hands silently. "It's unanimous. No one tells Namjoon, or else." Suga said, before coughing, and shoving a whole dumpling into his mouth, as the others follow suit, wondering how interesting caring for a baby Kim Namjoon will be.

❥ Nugu Ttaemune? Namjoon Ttaemune!   (Because of who? Because of Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now