Sick Baby Mine Part 1 *EDITED*

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"Tae-" Shake, shake. "Tae- hyungie.... Help please?" Tae sat up groggily, frowning. Why did Jungkook have to wake him up so early? Pained whimpers, and the weak shaking, and the sad, exhausted voice pulled him out of sleep.

"Hyung, help me please!" "Namjoonie? Why are you crying? Are you little?" "No, I feel sick. Please help, Hyung!" Namjoon cried flopping onto the floor and resting his head in Tae's lap. "Come here, you shouldn't lay down on the floor, Jungkook might fall on you. What hurts? You have to tell hyungie, or Hyung can't make it better."

Taehyung pulled his ill Hyung on the bed next to him, and gently rubbed circles into his tummy, humming to provide a distraction from his hyung's pained vocalizations. "I have a migraine, and my stomach hurts." "Did you eat?"

"Yes, but then I felt- urgb!" Namjoon belched, clamping his mouth shut to avoid puking, and making a huge mess. Taehyung sighed, and helped the older boy to the bathroom. Knowing the other wouldn't vomit unless possible, Tae squeezed the older boys tummy until Namjoon hurled violently into the toilet.

"Urghh- urghh-! H- hyungie, h- hurts.... Urghh!" "I know, Joonie. I'm sorry." Taehyung sighs, using his free hand to swipe at the tears falling down his face. Unable to send someone else to get medicine, or get it himself, he sits there supporting Namjoon and counting the minutes while praying his hyung will run out of stuff to puke.

Taehyung stops counting when a unmistakable annoyed groan comes from the doorway. "Kim Tae- Aish, Joon! What's wrong?" Suga asked frowning, at the heat seeping from Namjoon. "I'm not sure, Appa. He just woke me up about 45 minutes ago, then I brought him here." "Tae, your injectable anti nausea medicine. It's still in your drawer right?" Suga turns, running to the bedroom and returns a minute later, sitting next to the two boys on the floor.

"Joonie, I have to give the the injection, ok? You're too nauseated to keep pills down, ok?" Yoongi explains, mentally crying when his donesaeng's eyes widen in fear. "Tae, can you hold his arm out? Joonie, I'm be quick. I promise!" Yoongi pleads, finding a vein quickly, before covering Namjoon's eyes, and pushing the needle into the arm, and injecting the medicine and pulled the needle out and tossing it.

"See, I'm finished. I hope we won't have to do that again." Yoongi whispers, helping him rinse his mouth and popping a mint into his mouth. Carrying Namjoon down the stairs to the couch isn't a easy feat, and Yoongi is relived when he carefully allows himself to drop on the couch. "I'll make some kimchi and chicken broth for you, Joonie."

Suga shoots Taehyung a grateful smile before the younger walks into the kitchen, before turning his attention back to Namjoon, deftly unbuttoning his night shirt. "Joonie, here, drink ok?" Suga tempted, pressing his exposed nipple into Namjoon's mouth, while Namjoon offers muffled protest.

❥ Nugu Ttaemune? Namjoon Ttaemune!   (Because of who? Because of Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now