Welcome to BigHit, Baby Joonie!

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J-Hope groans as the sunlight hits his face, and his ears are assaulted by heartbreaking whimpers coming from the crib in the room. He sighs, stretching his sleep-filled muscles before walking over to the crib and lifting the fussy baby out gently.

J winces when Namjoon breaks into full on sobs, shifting the baby to his chest, just above his heart. Before their debut, Namjoon had panicked while the two had been alone at the dorm, which had lead to J-Hope discovering that Namjoon found his band mates' heartbeats comforting.

Quickly grabbing a Koya paci, he slipped it into his donesaeng's mouth and headed down the stairs with his phone. Plopping onto the couch, he turns on "Coffee", quietly singing to calm his little brother down.

The song finishes but Namjoon only whimpers more. Sighing, he shuffles into the kitchen to find Suga already sipping a cup of coffee at the table.

"Good morning, hyung. Chincha! Can you hold Joonie? I'm not sure I can make formula for him and hold him at the same time." J-Hope says, bouncing Namjoon in a attempt to quiet his tears.

Suga silently takes him from Hobi, rapping lines from boyz with fun while J-Hope shakes the bottle and places it into the bottle warmer, as Suga growls angrily, accepting the phone call while calming a scared Joonie.

"Sejin-hyung, its 6:30 in the flipping morning, Namjoonie threw a fit last night just for going to bed, so I had to stay up, and currently he's crying his eyes out, and the stupid flipping bottle warmer can't hurry enough. Chincha... Sorry, I'm tired. I didn't think Namjoon as a baby would be so hard to take care of."

"Bang-pd gave you and TXT a few days off. Why don't you bring Joonie? You can introduce him to the staff, and then you all could chill somewhere, out of my hair, preferably. Besides, I'm excited to meet baby Namjoon." "Sure, I'll tell the others when they wake up. Anneyo!"

Suga hung up, putting the phone back on the table and grabbing the warm bottle from J-Hope while letting Namjoon's head rest in the crook of his arm. "Come on, hungry hippo, open your mouth. Appa has food, see?"

Suga cooed, slipping the nipple into the baby's mouth, and letting him suck. "G'orning, hyungs, Jimin yawned, sitting and smiling at J-Hope when he puts a cup of coffee in front of him. "Why are you up so early, Jimin? Did you set your alarm too far back again?"

"Ne, I heard Namjoon crying. The others are up too, and Jin is pumping again. Is Joonie hurt?" "No just hungry. We have to leave for practice soon. So go get ready, Suga says, placing the empty bottles on the table, next to Jimin's also empty mug.

Jimin beams, scooping Namjoon into his arms and heads into the hallway by the door, grabbing the baby carrier off the hook and waking back into the living room.

Setting Namjoon on the floor, he clips the carrier into his body, then slips the baby in. "Do you wanna dance with Jiminie-hyung, Joonie? Aigooo! Where are my baby bro's sweet little dimples?" Jimin exclaims, gently poking Namjoon's dimples.

Grabbing his phone, he scrolls though his playlists, before deciding on Not Today, slipping the phone back into his pocket and dancing. When he finishes the song he's out of breath, but the awed look in Namjoonie's eyes is worth everything.

"Was hyung good? I will practice very hard for you, Joonie, Jimin says beaming as the baby giggles. "Aigooo! You're so cute!" Jimin gasps dramatically, clutching his heart, before going up the stairs to change the baby into his Koya sleep and play.

A hour and a half later the group heads into their practice room at Bighit studios, where Bang-pd, TXT, and Seijin-hyung have been waiting. Will they accept baby Kim Namjoon, or not?

❥ Nugu Ttaemune? Namjoon Ttaemune!   (Because of who? Because of Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now