Episode 2 - "Old Friends"

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Plot by EdgyMeow. (me)

When the party started, everyone in the school was there. Playing, having fun, and chatting.

"Hey birthday girl." Violet said, walking up to Clementine. Clem looked up and smiled.

"Can I... Can I have this dance?" Violet asked.

"I don't see why not." Clem said with a smile. She grabbed Violets hand. Violet put her hands on Clem's shoulders and Clem put her hands around Violets hips. They started to dance slowly around the room, not paying any attention to anything else. All Violet could do was stare into Clem's eyes.

"God.. I... You.. You have such fucking gorgeous ass eyes, Clem." Violet said, staring into Clem's brown eyes still. Clem laughed a little before kissing Violet.

"God. I love you so much." Clem said, pulling away from the kiss.

"I love me too." Violet said in a teasing way, letting out a faint laugh at the end of her sentence. Clem laughed and pulled away. Suddenly, gunshots can be heard from outside. Clem ran outside and quickly climbed up the watch tower. She looked around and saw a group of people coming up to the gates.

AJ crept up with her and just looked down.

"Hello?" A voice yelled from below.

"Put your fucking hands in the air and drop all weapons!" Clem yelled, pointing a gun at the group. They all did as told and just stood there.

"We don't want any trouble. We're all just injured and need help." Another voice said.

"We'll see about that," Clem whispered to herself as she climbed down. "AJ, have your gun ready." Clem continued. AJ nodded and did as told. They walked up to the gates and opened them.

"What are you here for?" Clem asked with seriousness.

"Clementine?" A voice said from behind. Clem looked past the others and noticed a familiar face standing there.

"Kenny?" Clementine asked with shock.

"Clem.. That's you..?" Another man said with shock. Clem cleared her voice and crossed her arms.

"State your names." Clem said.

"Lee Everett." A man in front said. Clem covered her mouth and began to cry.

"It can't be! How?" Clem yelled. AJ lowered his gun and just watched. Clem ran into Lee's arms and cried.

"Lee, Christa, Omid, Kenny, Duck, Katjaa, Carley, Chuck, Jesus, Tripp.." Clem slowly said their names while hugging Lee and glancing over the others. She had finally recognized them.

"And me." Another voice from behind said.

"Lilly!" AJ said, pulling his gun out and pointing it at Lilly's head.

"Whoa whoa there buddy. I'm not gonna hurt you." Lilly said.

"You- you already did. I killed you Lilly! How are you alive?! AJ yelled with anger.

"Relax little dude. She's with us." Crista told him. AJ didn't move his gun. Finally, after all the tears were gone, Clem stood up straight.

"I have so many fucking questions- I- how?!" Clem asked in a loud voice.

"Relax sweet pea, we'll explain inside... At least try." Lee said, starting to walk in. Clem gladly stepped aside, letting them all in. AJ stood close to Clementine, still holding his gun tightly.

"AJ. You remember when I'd tell you about Lee?" Clem asked him.

"Yeah.. Is that him? I thought you said you had to kill him?" AJ asked.

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