Episode 3 - "Broke Apart"

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Plot by EdgyMeow. (me)

"Come on, we have to do something. She's so special to us all, right?" AJ's voice could be heard talking from the halls. Clem sat up in bed, but didn't know what he was talking about. Clem yawned and got up, heading towards the hallways.

"She means so much. I don't know what we could do though." Lee said.

Clem opened the door slightly, but not enough to be noticed.

"I'm not going to let her just get nothing! I fucking love, god damn it." Violet said to the others with a spark in her voice.

"Guys?" Clem asked, pushing the door open now.

"Oh! Uh. Hey Clementine!" Omid said nervously.

"What are you doing up so early?" Carley asked. Clem crossed her arms and looked down to AJ.

"AJ, what's this all about?" Clem asked.

"It's nothing, Clem! You should go back to bed." AJ said, trying to push Clementine back into the bedroom.

"I'm good." Clem said, stepping aside and making AJ stumble a bit.

"Besides. Aren't you guys hungry?" Clem asked with confusion.

"We already ate, sweet pea." Lee told Clem. Clem gave a slight smile.

"Lee, I'm not five any more. You can stop calling me sweet pea." Clem said with a small laugh.

"When I'm dead again, sweet pea." Lee said with a chuckle.

"Don't worry babe. We have everything under control." Violet said in her soft voice. Clem nodded slightly.

"I'm going to the rooftop." Clem said, starting to walk away. Violet grabbed Clem's hand.

"I love you." Violet told Clem. Clem gave a half smile.

"Love you too, Vi." Clem said before walking away.

"God. This is peaceful." Clem told herself as she watched the morning sun rise. She shivered a bit as the cool morning air hit her skin.

"Haven't got this much peace since I was like two." Clem told herself again, sighing this time. Her breath could be seen, and the crist morning smell hit her from all angles. Clem just sat there, watching the sun and reminiscing of a easier time. Finally, the graves caught Clem's eye.

"Mitch, Marlon, and Brody," Clem sighed to herself. "Rest in piece." Clem sat in silence once again, before looking up at the clouds.

"I don't blame AJ for killing you, Marlon," Clem said to the sky. "He only knows to kill bad people, and he knew that killing Brody was bad of you." Clem finished.

"He doesn't really understand, though. Sometimes, good people do bad things. You wasn't the best leader, but you weren't a bad guy. You just did a bad thing." Clem said again. She sighed and stood up to go downstairs.

"Just... Just be nice to Brody up there, okay?" Clem said before she got ready to go downstairs.

"Where'd everyone go?" Clem asked herself as she got close to her and AJ's bedroom. She shrugged and pulled her small backpack over her shoulders better as so it doesn't fall off. Clem walked into the bedroom and sat her backpack down before looking inside.

"Okay. Lets put all this stuff up." Clem said to herself as she grabbed things out. She picked up a pink rock with the words "Love" written on it a couple weeks back, but she hasn't got to put it in her room yet. She sat it on the bookcase next to a cat skull she had found some time before. Clem reached into her bag again, and found a picture of the group from years back. In it was Carley, Lilly, Lee, Kenny, Young Duck, Young Clem, Katjaa, Omid, and Christa.

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