Episode 5 - "War"

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Twdg is owned by TellTale Games.
Plot by EdgyMeow. (me)

Clem opened her eyes to realize she hasn't been shot yet, and she's not about to wait around to get shot.

"Violet, AJ, inside, NOW!" Clem yells, trying to keep them safe.

"Clem, we can't leave you!" AJ said.

"You can, and will! Now go!" Clem yelled. AJ hesitated but ran off, after throwing Clem his gun. Clem turned to face Arvo, Lilly, and Minnie.

"You know, protecting them is how you're gonna die." Lilly said, crossing her arms with a smirk.

"Damn right." Clem said before shooting Arvo in the head.

"Fuck! Shoot!" Minnie yelled. Lilly started shooting towards Clem, but Clem was able to run behind a tree. Clem then ran to a near picnic table and flipped it over, using it as a shelter.

"You won't make it out alive!" Lilly yelled.

Clem peaked out over the table and was looking for Lilly or Minnie, ready to shoot, when a bullet flew past her head.

"Fuck." Clem said as she dropped down.

"You think you can handle us alone, Clementine?" Minnie yelled. "Well we're about to make this a whole lot harder for you." She finished. Clem looked out and Lilly and Minnie was opening the gates, letting in walkers who were attracted to the gunshots. The walkers were first drawn to Minnie and Lilly, but after getting out of reach, the walkers tried to find elsewhere to look. Clem ran sneakily from the table to a large thorn berry bush.

"There she is! Fucking shoot her!" Minnie yelled. Lilly took shots at Clem, but missed as Clem ran through the walkers. She hid behind another tree, noticing a dead walker near by.

"Must've got shot by Lilly," Clem whispered before rubbing the guts on herself. "Now the walkers shouldn't be a problem." She whispered to herself again.

"Where did she go?" Lilly asked.

"I don't know, but I do know that if she doesn't come out, this whole fucking school and everybody inside is going to be blown to pieces." Minnie replied. Clem cursed under her breath and came out from hiding.

"Ah. There's our precious." Minni said once again.

"Show me the bombs." Clem said. Minnie was caught off guard by this, and whispered something into Lilly's ear.

"We don't have to show you shit." Lilly said, seeming to follow what Minnie spoke of to her.

"Yeah, but you should still listen. I mean, unless you want everyone to die." Minnie said, large smirk on her face.

"No." Clem said quickly.

"Then get on your knees, and put your hands behind your head." Minnie said.

"Okay. I'm doing it." Clem said slowly. Before anyone had any time to react, Clem shot Lilly in the head before running to another hiding spot. The walkers were alerted, and tried to bite Clem.

"FUCK, NO! LILLY!" Minnie yelled in sorrow.

"You BITCH!" Minnie yelled, jumping down to find Clem herself.

"Is Clem okay?" Duck asked.

"Duck. Clem knows what she's doing," Tripp said. "I hope." He whispered again to himself.

"Even if we wanted to help, which we do, we can't! There's too many walkers out there!" Kenny said as he watched through the window.

"Are the monsters trying to get Clem?" AJ asked with concern.

"Kinda, she should be okay, though. Clem is tough. Toughest girl I know." Lee said as he watched along.

"What is she doing?" OJ asked as he sat in the middle of the floor drawing.

"She... She's hiding. Fuck.. Minnie is trying to find her. Fuck, fuck, fuck." Violet said as she watched.

"If Clem dies... I just don't know what I'd do." Jane said.

"I don't think I'd be able to live anymore." Christa added.

"Sweetheart, don't talk like that." Omid said to Christa.

"You know we're fucking close, god damn it, Omid," Christa said. "But I get where your point." She said again.

"God. That little girl went from putting stickers on her walkie talkie to battling a fucking psycho." Chuck said.

"I just hope she'll be okay." AJ said while whining.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! FIRST YOU KILL MARLON, THEN YOU TAKE MY GIRLFRIEND, THAN YOU KILL MY BEST FRIEND LILLY. FUCK YOU!" Minnie yelled as she shot past walkers. Walkers dropped, but the gunshots only alerted more to the school. As Minnie was shooting walkers, Clem peaked up and got a clear aim of the head. Minnie's back was turned, so Clem aimed for her head, put her finger on the trigger, closed her eyes and pushed down. Nothing.

"Oh my god." Clem whispered.

"What's wrong, babe? Need to cock your gun?" Minnie asked with a laugh.

Clem struggled to cock it, trying to do it as fast as possible.

"Well. I know what you're probably thinking, and no. You aren't escaping." Minnie said as she shut the gates, and making sure all the walkers are dead.

"No more walkers outside. No more walkers inside, and the gate is closed. How do you say we one v one?" Minnie asks with a psychopathic laugh.

"Fuck it." Clem whispered to herself before running out into the open.

"Ah. There you are." Minnie said. They both drew their guns to one another. Minnie ran up on Clem, giving Clem no time to think. Clem punched Minnie in the face, leaving blood. Minnie used that to her advantage, and spit blood into Clem's face, making her temporally blind. Once Clem got the blood off and was able to see again, it was too late. Minnie shot Clem in the chest, making Clem hit the ground, and making her gun go across the yard. Minnie climbed on top of Clem and laughed. Minnie pointed a gun at Clem's forehead.

"Well. Guess this is the end. Well, for you, that is." Minnie said, letting out another psychopathic laugh.

"Any last words?" Minnie asked, putting her finger on the trigger.

"Fuck. You." Clem whispered in her weak voice. Minnie laughed.

"Have fun in hell." Minnie said.

"See you there." Clem said with a laugh of her own.

"I'm tired of seeing your face as a whole, so buh bye." Minnie said. Minnie put pressure on the trigger, but before it could be pushed hard enough, a gunshot was heard, and Minnie's lifeless body fell on top of Clem. Clem, even though weak, pushed aside Minnie's body, and tried to sit up. Minnie's blood and brain was all over Clem, and as well as her own blood. As Clem tried to sit up, a searing pain was sent through Clem's chest.

"CLEMENTINE!" AJ yelled as he ran out.

"Clem! Are you okay?" Violet asked with tear stained eyes. She was holding AJ's gun in her hand, and was now kneeling by Clem.

"Violet!" AJ yelled, pointing to Clem's chest.

"No, no, no, no, no. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" Violet yelled.

"Is she okay?!" Lee asked, running out.

"She's shot!" AJ yelled.

"Fuck! Is anybody here a doctor?" Kenny asked.

"Ruby!" Violet yelled. Jane and the others ran out too.

"Fuck. Show me where to take her, I'll take her there and she can get checked out." Jane said as she started to pick Clem up.

Violet led the way to the same couch that AJ lied on when he was shot, and Jane laid her there.

"Stay strong, Clem." Christa said while crying. Everyone was a wreck by now, and with that being so, they weren't allowed in the same room as Ruby and Clem, as to not stress her too much.

Clem was drifting in and out as Ruby frantically tried to help. Clem finally closed her eyes when the light became too bright.

Romance Monsters (Season 5) | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora