Realizing they like you

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Michael- He wasn't use to having these feelings he was confused what they were. It happened everytime you walked by or even smiled his heart started beating out his chest. After about a week he finally realized that those feelings he was weren't disappearing and he knew he needed to ask you out.

Pete- He realized he liked during algebra. Someone made a really stupid joke and you couldn't hold back your laughter. He though your laugh was amazing and it made him feel a way he never felt before. After school he ended up asking out to the diner for some coffee.

Firkle- Boy was scared when he realized he had feelings for you. You're the pretty girl and he the goth boy that everyone avoided. He didn't think it was possible so he ignored them. That lasted about 3 days..he cracked and asked you if you wanted to go grab a coffee sometime.

Henrietta- She was deeply confused when she realized she had feelings for you. Ranted to the others how you were a pastel goth and how she was goth and it could never work out. They eventually got tired of hearing her talk and made her ask you out.

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