Finally the weekend came, and so did he

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~several days later~

I woke up to a gust of wind and snow from my balcony doors. They were fluttering open from the blizzards gush of winds.

I quickly scrambled out of bed, and ran to the doors to shut them. After I closed them, I barely realized how much clothing I was actually wearing. I was wearing short shorts, and a tank top for pjs. I shivered from stepping on snow that was had rested on my floor. I felt my skin form goosebumps. I looked at the time, 5:30. I blew a piece of my dark brown hair. I looked in the mirror, after brushing my hair, and realized my hair went all the way to my waist.

I needed a haircut.

So I got ready for the day, wearing dark grey jeggings, a long sleeve flannel blue shirt, with the first two buttons unbuttoned. And had on black uggs, my black hoodie, scarf, and my phone with a pair of headphones.

I grabbed my wallet, and started my way to the salon.

I was walking, and by the time I get there, they would be open.

But my mistake: it was fudging cold! It was in the negatives. But I really needed a haircut. I started walking, listening to battle scars. I loved this song, reminds me of when me and my dad would sing this on top of our lungs. Then my mom telling us to shush in a playful voice or just skip the song. I was strolling down memory lane when I felt a arm wrap around my waist. I was shocked, and my instincts immediately took over, and ended up pushing the guy away. I looked towards my right, and saw non other than Cody. I glared, "Leave me alone." and kept walking. I heard footsteps hurry closer. I sighed, and turned around, and faced Cody. He looked at me, with hurt relfecting across his eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to continue walking. "Please, Alex, I have no idea why your being so cold to me. I mean, we were best friends before I left, we even admitted our love for eachother." His voice trailed after me, freezing me in my spot.

We even admitted our love for each other. It kept ringing over and over and over again in my head.

I sucked in my breath at the last part. "I'm cold to you because first of all, your not the same Cody I fell for a year ago. Secondly, in the time you were gone, no letters, texts, calls, or anything! You left me thinking you didn't love me anymore! So when you came back to the school, I felt all those feeling and emotions I blocked out, and they came flooding out of me. Hatred, sadness, shock, anger.." my voice trailed off when Cody hugged me. He actually hugged felt weird. I was about to give in when I remembered, He's not my Cody anymore... I don't need his...whatever this is. I pushed him off of me, and continued listening to my music, and kept on walking.

Such a nice weekend.

I looked behind me to see if he was still behind me, but all that was left was a pile of black sandish looking stuff on the ground. I shrugged and kept on walking, finally the weekend came, and it was ruined.

So so so so so so SOOOO sorry, it's, sadly, gonna be like this, it will be taking me several weeks to update. But I will update! THATS ALL MY WILD ONES!!! :3

-wild thing

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