Chapter 10 - preston

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Chapter Ten  – Preston

Running a hand through my hair I walk out of my room down the beer can scattered hallway. I come to an abrupt stop as I see Preston flirting with Kara, don’t get me wrong he is a good mate but it instantly got my back up. I then noticed the bottles of spirits and the drink in her hand. So much for not drinking, what is with this girl and bull shitting me.

 “Hey.” I mumbled taking another look at the scene in front of me. “You’re up early.”  I accused Preston. I know I was being ridiculous they were just talking but I can’t control the instant jealousy I feel; what I don’t understand is how she is so casual and talks freely to everyone else and not to me.

Heading to my fridge he grabbed another can. “Was thirsty man.” He winked at her “Then ran into your friend Kara here.”

Why was I being so defensive “I didn’t invite her.” Knowing Preston he was jumping to conclusions about the two of us. He looked baffled, raking his eyes over her definitely checking her out, shit why did get to me.  Looking at me and back to Kara she finally spoke up.

“I’m his brother’s friend.” Stuffing the rest of her pop tart in her mouth “Maver. He’s just still passed out with his other friends in his room.”

Seeing the cogs trying to turn in Preston’s head he just kept looking between the two of us and the outfit choice of Kara. Her and those bloody boxers of my brother, she looks so fucking hot I just don’t want Preston to keep looking at her the way he does. Nodding he finally settled his eyes on to Kara. “Just thought… since your in boxers and all…” letting the whole room know just how baffled he was. The thing is Preston knows my reputation with women and it is not that big of a presumption to think she was here with me.

“Oh, no. Just Maver’s friend. And didn’t plan on staying the night so I just slept in his things like I usually do. We’re besties.” Chuckling as if the concept of me and her was so ridiculous.

“Yeah, friends.” I mumbled still not believing her and my brothers story. Rolling my eyes I head to the fridge, suddenly I feel like drinking. I lean casually against the fridge eyeing Kara suspiciously no matter what I tried she just constantly seemed pissed off with me. This little challenge of getting with her was starting to get to me more than I thought it would.

“That’s what I said friends.” Clearly annoyed with me; her statement said with more force than there needed to be.

Pissed off I took a few steps closer I needed to see if she was lying once more, this time about the drink. I smell her glass as I open the cupboard to get a bag of chips. The smell of vodka was so strong I would have had to been at least 4-5 shots worth in that glass. “You’re drinking? I thought you don’t drink?” accusing her outright was the easiest way to get a supposedly straight answer.

“I don’t, but Preston made it for me an its not so bad.” Staring me straight in the eyes she drank a huge mouthful of the drink as if proving the point. Clearly she was just trying to piss me off.

“Good thing I got you the wine coolers then huh.” I practically hissed at her. She gets to me so much and I don’t get it no girl has ever got to me like she does.

“Yeah I guess so.” Taking another gulp of her drink I couldn’t take my eyes off of her mouth that clearly was sassing me, I really wanted to shut her up and kiss those defiant lips of hers.

Turning her eyes back to Preston her lips softened into a smile. “But in the meantime I’m going for a shower, it was nice to meet you.” Giving him a full beam smile she started to walk away.

“You too Kara. We’ll have to party together some time in the future.” Preston suggested.

“Most definitely.” Kara walked her way to the bathroom.

I couldn’t stop the frown forming on my forehead as I kept my gaze on the door she disappeared into.

“So… what’s going on between the two of you then.” Preston smirked at me, I could hear the laugh in his voice before I faced him. 

“Nothing, why would there be.” Playing dumb I went to get another drink from the fridge.

“Come on Logan I know you, I also know when some one is clearly getting to you. She’s a fire cracker. Not your usual type though she can actually hold a conversation.” Openly laughing at me now I cant help the distained look appear on my face.

“I don’t know what you mean, I’m not interested in her.” Trying to play down the truth and how much she really intrigued me.

“If you say so Logan. So you wouldn’t mind if I had a go at her then.” Clearly trying to piss me off, he was just trying to get a reaction. I couldn’t help it my instinct was to get him to back off and stay away from her.

“Don’t.” was all I could manage to get out before taking a large gulp of drink to try and calm myself down. The thought of Kara and Preston together didn’t sit well in my stomach.

“Don’t what Logan.” He asked all innocently, I know fully well he is not innocent.

“Stay away from her.”

Laughing Preston just looked at me a huge smile on his face. “But you said you weren’t interested, I will stay away only cos I know the truth even if you don’t wanna admit it. I got to shoot so say bye to Kara again for me.” The smirk on his face could rival the one that is normally plastered on my face.

“Just go.” I practically growl at him.

As he left I re run the conversation in my head, why can’t I just admit I like her. It should be easier than this to get her. I’m fed up of her lying to me about everything I think its about time I go and get some answers I down the remains of the beer and make my way to the bathroom. 

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