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Sang Sorenson

For as long as I could remember, my stepsister and stepmother had hated me. Growing up with Marie, she would taunt me with horrible names and would often physically hurt me, as well. Alongside this, she would intentionally make up lies, which Diane of course instantly believed.

Then there's my stepmother, Diane. A vicious and cold-hearted woman. If I was caught talking to a boy, she would make me kneel on rice. If I didn't immediately do my chores when instructed, I would be locked in a cramped closet for days, until she felt that I had learned my lesson. With no other choice, I became obedient to avoid the abuse. However, she would always find ways or even invent reasons to punish me.

Needling pain brings me back to reality and I wince as Blake slowly dabs my bloodied lips with a colored washcloth.

Lately, my father has been disappearing for several days at a time. Even though he calls them business trips, Diane assumes that he's cheating, which is the reason she started taking her anger out on me. The punishments are getting worse.

"Sang, you need to get out of here." Blake's eyes pierce through mine worriedly.

Looking into his crystal blue eyes, I couldn't help but reminisce about when I used to have a crush on Blake. A part of me knew it was wrong to be infatuated with him. Thus, I've harbored the wrongful feeling towards my brother by becoming more distant with him lately. Even if he was only my stepbrother.

"You know I can't do that," I rasp as my voice cracks due to a recent punishment which involves Diane force-feeding me a concoction of lemon juice and vinegar.

I could tell that something was troubling him. Unexpectedly, he reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind my right ear and I felt my face heat at the affectionate gesture.

Suddenly feeling conscious of my appearance, I wish that I could have fixed my hair which resembled a bird's nest from Diane's fist using it to hold my head still or at least wiped my busted lip that was bleeding profusely. I'm internally cringing at my attire which consists of a white tank top and black shorts. Bruises were on display, mottling various areas of my body.

On the other hand, there's Blake. Admittedly, he is quite attractive with his crystal blue eyes that shined with amusement and soft, caramel-colored curls that suited him perfectly. It was no wonder girls and guys always asked him out. I was curious, though. Not once had he expressed any interest in the girls that threw themselves at him or anyone else. Not that anything was wrong with being with someone of the same gender. Love is love.

"Okay. I'm going to ignore the fact that you completely just checked me out," A hint of a smirk was surfacing on his face.

"I wasn't checking you out, idiot. I was studying your ugly face... like a bug under a magnifying glass." In my defense, I was merely observing him. Right, because that sounds believable. "You know...I was surprised when Karen came out. I had no idea that she liked girls."

"Sang?" His left eyebrow raised questioningly.


"What the hell are you talking about? Are you trying to tell me you're into girls?"

I smacked my head when I realized what I was trying to say ended up sounding like I was the one confessing.

"No, you ass. I'm just saying that you can tell me anything. Like if you weren't actually allergic to cats or that you're into men," I respond shrugging nonchalantly.

Blake became silent for a moment then, suddenly, he burst out laughing.

"I'm not gay."

"Then why haven't you been with anyone? It's not normal for a healthy twenty-two-year-old to be single."

"I don't know. I just feel like dating these days is overrated. Plus, I'm busy with college and protecting you from our messed up family." He resumes wiping softly at the dried flecks on my bloodied lips.

"And besides," Blake said softly, "she probably doesn't want someone like me."

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