The Blackbourne Team

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"Does anyone feel like this could be actually a top secret mission?"

Covering his mouth to be polite, Gabriel tries to suppress a yawn before answering Luke. "Nah. It's probably a boring assignment."

"Think about it, Gabe. Dr. Roberts wouldn't arrange a meeting in less than an hour if it wasn't urgent and also he sounded serious when he called." Luke continues to brush his blonde shoulder-length hair in deep thought and his knees bounce anxiously. Somehow he had a feeling that something was going to happen today. But, the fact he didn't he didn't know if it was good terrifies him.

Other than Luke's hyper state, everyone else was all fatigue from the late-night shifts at the Diner. Ever since Uncle's business became a new hotspot in Charleston, they all took shifts to help him. Alongside, there was the stress associated with it that was beginning to take a toll on their relationship with each other. It also didn't help that some of the members were also having family issues at home.

The two troublemakers knew that their bickering with one another was slowly starting to annoy North, whose hands were tightly gripping the steering wheel. Due to becoming distracted, he accidentally drives over a speed bump fast and to which several of his passengers groaned in pain from the sudden impact. Finding an available space, he parks the car and turns off the ignition. One by one they all stepped out from the cramped vehicle.

"What the hell North!" Luke exclaims while rubbing his head, feeling a slight throbbing.

His younger brother doesn't even conceal the smirk plaster on his face. "I told you to wear your seatbelt idiot."

Before Luke could even argue, their attention shifts to Nathan who whistles loudly. Quickly noticing that their whole attention is now at him, he blushes.

Following his gaze, a brand new motorcycle was parked five meters in front of them. The bike definitely stood out from the rest of the vehicles like a sore thumb. It looks powerful and expensive.

"Wait a minute. Isn't that a Ducati Testa Stretta?" Someone said.

"" An astonished North was truly a sight to behold. Usually his most common emotions were being grumpy or disgusted if he caught Luke eating foods well, mainly candies which are unhealthy.

"Who could probably own that? That exact bike looks like a limited edition of Macchia Nera which is approximately two hundred thousand." They look at Kota, perplexed who continues to scrutinize the vehicle. Who knew a nerd like Kota would know anything about motorcycles.

Ignoring their stares he wonders if the owner of the bike could be a visitor inside the building. Other than North and Brandon, there was no else who had interest in the bike as far as he's concerned. Mainly their team and the Toma's were the only one located in Charleston. Other than members of the organization, the public has no knowledge of the Academy. It was also prohibited to tell your family about your workplace.

The team lead frowns at himself for becoming distracted and realizes they were going to be late. Reluctantly they all enter the building taking one final glance at the mysterious vehicle.


I am officially back! and I know this chapter might probably be crappy and short that I wrote so far. Hopefully I can make it up to you guys with the following chapters. 

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