Chapter 1 (Becca) PART 1

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A/N Lots of work went this, so I really do hope you enjoy it. It's the first book I've ever written so if you can leave some comments or vote, that'd be great, thanks! xxx Mona

P.S. if you ever go back and read these chapters, you may notice some changes and added or deleted phrases. Though I finished writing the story, it's still sort of a work in progress. Each time I edit, it is most likely an improved thing haha :)

"Did you hear about the death after the storm?" Those words were spoken throughout Century High as if they were being echoed around the hallways; multiple times. I squeezed through a hallway full of people to meet with two of my closest friends. We'd been friends for as long as I can remember. Elena and Lux were chatting about the junior; End of the Year Dance, which was at the end of next month. I joined in on the conversation when Elena felt the urge to ask about the storm. It was the same urge almost everyone at the school felt when it came to the topic. Lux and I both nodded, signifying we had heard about it. Officials announced the death on the news only a couple hours after the lady had died. "You know, this was the third death this month and it's kind of scary if you think about it." I stated. Elena nodded then said "Like all the other deaths, the way she died was unheard of. Not gunshot, or accidental death but a-" "Death nobody understood." We all turned to look at Jules walking over to us. "And please welcome the mystery obsessed boy; Jules Capri." I announced sarcastically. He laughed and Elena continued. "Anyways, yeah, that's was what I was going to say." Sire City was a peaceful society. We were located in Canada, by Niagara Falls and for decades it's been a family friendly community. It wasn't a large or small city but we functioned perfectly; up until this month. There's been murders happening rapidly around the city and all the cases were opened; not single one solved. "When I looked into the recent deaths, I found out that; about thirty years ago, the same thing was happening; some sort of death dominoes. Now thirty years later, it's happening again. So the same sociopath who is killing these people is back at it. Also, there was another spree of horrible killings that happened just after the scattered out ones. Police thought that a large group of people were involved because when the police found the bodies, every resident in the hotel 'Castiel's Place' was brutally murdered. Not a soul was left alive. All signs pointed to the fact that one person did the deed but logic explained a group. The killings were also exactly the same as the ones happening now." Jules said to us. I glanced around us, making sure nobody was listening in. What he was saying was classified news. Nobody was listening in, but there were for sure a couple of stares headed our way; mostly from girls who were drooling over Jules. I brushed of the glares and let Jules continue to talk. His father was a detective in one the most successful and highly ranked stations and his mother was a famous wine maker. Sometimes, his father would give Jules some information he asked about. Knowing Jules, his father most likely didn't always willingly speak of his work. I guessed that he had to pester him for his father to say anything about these deaths. Though I guessed even if it weren't for his father's ranking, Jules would find a way or two to find out information about the deaths. He was the type of guy who lived for crime scenes and breathed in cases like these. He loved to talk about whatever was on the news; but he covered more information than any news channel combined. With these deaths happening, he is full of speech. What he spoke about could range from a small car crash to a serial killer on the loose. He'd be the first kid to know, and we'd be the first ones he'd tell. "The killer probably had some sort of unfinished business or something." Elena said to Jules. "It could be some sort of sick and twisted family tradition." Lux chimed. She always thought the worst, but her theories were always believable. "Or maybe it isn't any business but just a game? The people who died or have gone missing have nothing in common except that they are gone. So many people died around forty years ago, almost every day. The deaths are all almost practically the same; some drained of their blood and some have their heart and everything working but are just flat out dead. It's terrifying and confusing. Plus, even between the thirty years, deaths have been happening here but just less often." Jules face was serious and concerned. His eyes looked clouded as if he wanted to say more, but was stopped by something. "Also, from what I've heard most of the people have no medical history of any sicknesses that could've caused. Almost all of the victims were healthy, so it means that it was like everyone had guessed; a murder. Plus, no medical condition that we know of can cause that kind of death." Elena told us. Jules turned to her. "Yeah we assume it's a murder but how the hell can anyone cause that kind of damage?" His question left us all with chills but he looked calm. His brow furrowed in anger, as if what was happening was his fault. Jules always got himself caught up with these cases; you could never drag him out of them. But for these specific murders, he took them into his own precautions. "Are we just going to ignore the fact that it was the greatest massacre done by one person, ever to be recorded in history? Jesus! An entire hotel, that is over a hundred living, breathing people! And if they're back, everybody better get the hell outta here and pray that whatever's going on will soon be resolved." I told them, outrageously. "Well whatever is going on; let's leave it to the professionals to deal with it. This is all too much for me." Lux stated. I nodded, agreeing with her. Freeing me from the sickening conversation, the first bell rang to tell us that first period was starting in four minutes. We said our goodbyes and headed to our classes. Lux and I went to chemistry, Elena headed to her history class as Jules went to his business class.

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