Chapter 22 (Silas)

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Please vote and share my story, thank you! This chapter is just full of surprises, I surprised myself when the ideas came haha. The story takes a sharp turn from here... xxx Mona

Becca was already starting to go up stairs when I heard a soft whimper in the room. If it weren't for my enhanced hearing, I would never have even heard the sound. The whimper had been followed by a low hushing tone. I knew there were other people inside the cellar. I took Becca's hand and pointed to a dark spot near the corner of the cellar. I motioned for her to stay where she was while I went to check it out. Carefully making sure not to make a sound, I walked closer to the corner. I stopped when I was closer the corner to pause and listen to the noises in the room. I heard Becca's shallow breathing and my own. I blocked out the noise from upstairs and concentrated even more on the corner. I heard soft breathing and scattered breathing. Two people, this is not going to be good. Taking a few more steps, making sure I stood in the shadows so my own shadow could not be seen, I neared the corner. There was defiantly somebody there. Quickly turning around a shelf of wine I saw a large figure looming over another small and fragile figure. I rushed over to the large figure and grabbed what I assumed was their neck. Bringing the figure out into the light I gasped in shock at the face that was in front of me. It wasn't anybody I knew but their features were horrific. There was a long scar across their forehead; a fresh gash of blood was oozing out from the side of their face where I assumed were the doings of somebody's nails. The person was a male with bloodstained blond hair and dark green eyes. Their teeth were yellow and chipped and had an unshaven face. Disgusted, I though the body to the side all within a few seconds of time. The only sound that was made was a thump from the impact of the body and the wall. Quickly moving towards the smaller figure that was huddled on the ground I pulled the body into the light to find one of Becca's friends. I think her name was Elena. Her hair was knotted, her makeup was streaming down her face and a clothe was tied around her head and entering her mouth. She sobbed when I came closer to her. "Shhhh its okay, I'm not here to hurt you." She let out a few hiccupped breaths and nodded. I took the cloth out of her mouth and she sucked in a large breath and slowly let it out. "Please help me... Silas." So she knew who I was, good thing too. I quickly untied her hands from the ropes and I heard footsteps coming closer to me. "Silas?" It was Becca. Not bothering to lie to her I said "Becca do not come any closer, go back upstairs. It's not safe here." She was about to ask me something but then I heard her scream. I quickly finished untying Elena's hands and feet and then she sprang up from the ground. I turned and noticed that the man was no longer on the floor but was with Becca. Within moments, I ran to where Becca was to find the man with Becca in a head lock. He had a piece of broken glass in his hands and had it piercing Becca's skin. I abruptly skidded to a stop and stuck out am arm to stop Elena's running feet. Elena gasped in horror obviously not wanting Becca to go through what she had just gone through. If it weren't for the party upstairs, there'd be people running down the stairs to investigate the scream. "Listen man, I just want that girl. She did me wrong a few years ago and now I want my revenge. I won't harm your girl in exchange of Elena." I glanced between Elena and Becca. "Why not just leave them both alone?" I suggested. He gave out a cruel laugh. "Not a chance. So what's your choice?" Needing to make a decision fast, I did the only thing I could do but will later regret. "Deal, give me Becca." Elena and Becca both looked at me with horror and Elena was about to run but I grabbed her arms and pulled her close to me. She continued to struggle and was about to scream when I put my hand over her mouth in time to muffle her scream. The boy smiled an ugly smile and started to walk closer to me. When he was in close enough range, I let go of Elena and grabbed him by the face. His grip loosened on Becca enough for her to slip away from him. If I had done anything else like kick him or punch him, he would've seen it coming and just shoved the piece of glass though her neck and she'd be dead within moments. Doing the thing I knew I'd regret, I sucked out his soul from his body and he dropped dead to the ground. I closed my eyes as I felt the fullness the soul left as it traveled through my body. When I reopened my eyes, I was face to face with to horrified eyes. Both Elena and Becca stared at me in horror and they were both altering their eyes between me and the body of the man. If this were something random, I'd be able to compel them to forget what they had just seen. Though I can compel people, it does come with limitations. I could compel them to think, remember, and forget or whatever but I my compulsion is unable to make them forget the thing they need to forget the most; seeing me take away somebody's soul. It was a big issue for me but like I said, every quality comes with a flaw. So no matter if I compelled them to forget or even see something else instead, it'd b just like I never compelled them in the first place. "Please just don't scream. I will explain everything to you." To my surprise, both girls didn't scream. Sure they were horrified and did not speak, they didn't scream. That was a start that I could live with.

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