Chapter 23 (Becca)

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        It was about time she found out! Haha. I hope you like this chapter, please comment and vote if you did! Thank you all for reading this, my fingers are crossed that you've found the journey through out this book satisfying so far! xxx Mona

        I stared at Silas in horror. I knew for sure that I wasn’t imagining that since Elena had the same expression on her face as I did. We both looked at Silas and crumpled up body on the ground with pure terror. I was petrified, we were petrified. Silas had told us not to scream, I couldn’t even manage a word never mind a scream. I sure as hell wanted to scream, but I didn’t, and neither did Elena. “I will explain everything to you.” Silas had said. Slowly, as my mind reeled with thoughts, I lowered myself to the ground before my legs gave way. Elena saw what I was doing and did the same. As Silas stood, Elena and I sat down on the cellar floor. It was a cold and hard ground but at least we’d save ourselves from falling onto it. With one long look at me, Silas lowered himself onto the ground in front of us. “I know you two are freaked out right now but-” He was cut off by Elena’s terrified voice. “Freaked out? I am more than freaked out. I have completely lost it! I am terrified to a level where I am questioning my sanity!” Even in this state, Elena was still sassy. Silas nodded at her understandingly. All I could think of right now was Jules was right. I part of me wanted to ignore my thoughts but the other part of me knew that there was no denying the terror Silas brought to me. Silas waited for us to calm our breathing. We waited a few more moments but I couldn’t stand it. “Just tell us what the hell is going on!” I flinched at the harsh sound of my words but then gave a hard stare at Silas to make sure he would start to talk. I saw a flash of hurt behind his eyes but he quickly recovered and started with “No, you guys are not going crazy.” I saw from the corner of my eyes, Elena relaxing a little. I felt my own shoulders sag down in relief. Quickly, we realized that if we weren’t going crazy... then that means Silas defiantly had something to tell us that we knew we weren’t prepared for. As fast as we relaxed, we both tensed up again. He took a breath and was about to continue when I said “Don’t lie to us.” He took a long glance at me and slowly started to nod as if debating if he should listen to me or not. What he said next started Elena and I. “You probably guessed that there is something inhuman in what happened just now.” I took in a long breath and said “And you are right.” I quickly grabbed Elena’s hand and we held on tight to each other. To have a friend with you can truly be comforting at times. Sensing our discomfort he went on. “You may not believe me right away but I will not hurt you. But if I’m going to tell you the truth I need you to promise me to not tell a single soul about what I’m about to tell you.” Despite the situation, Silas gave off a light laugh but his humor quickly faded and looked at us both intensely with his dark brown eyes. “Promise me.” He said. Elena and I both looked at each other and confirmed our thoughts by both saying “I promise.” Trusting our word, he started to speak again; but this time with an even more serious tone. Whether he was going to confess that he was a serial killer or if it was all just a prank, I started to prepare myself for whatever he would say next. I saw Elena doing the same. She took in slow ragged breaths that started to turn into calm ones. We held each other’s hand tighter and closed our eyes. I thought back to the kisses that Silas and I shared, I thought of how beautiful and calming he was. Thinking back to the present, I braced myself for his words, but no preparation could prepare me for what he said next. 

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