Chapter 1- Returning to New Domino City

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Bella's POV

After 6 years living in London with a friend, I decided to return to Domino city in Japan. Got dropped off at the airport thanks to my friend, Ashely, "you know that you can come back here if you want. But are you sure about going back there?" she said. "Yeah I'm sure, but it's been 6 years Ashely and I've felt empty since I left Domino city. So I'm going back" I said. "I understand Bella" said Ashely as she gave me a goodbye hug with her tears in her eyes and her sad face came and we then aparted as I head for the Airplane for Domino city, Japan. As I aborted the plane, I put my bag in a compartment above my seat and finally took my seat. "This is gonna a long trip" I thought in my head and dose off to sleep until I arrive in Domino city.

Hours later... I awoke, looked out of the window and recognized the airport. "Welcome to New Domino City" said the plane's captain. I smiled as I got off the plane and I realise that I am finally home again.

sorry its a chapter.

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D'sYusei Fudo x Bella Winters (Rev up the Deck)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu