Chapter 2: Home

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The duo was walking around aimlessly but 'home' did not come to view. "Mistress, where is home exactly?" Lucian finally asks.

"Head to the hospital in Roseshade, there's someone I need to see," she says, totally ignoring his question.

"A hospital in Roseshade?" he repeated.

"Yes," she nodded. "That person will help us."

"I understand but before we go, we should clean you up first. It'll attract attention if you arrived in this state," he mentions and he was right. They were attempting to enter the hospital with a little girl with blood all over her as if it would not catch the attention of the nurses and doctors.

"Did you expect I had a change of clothes at hand?" she scowls at him.

He smiles at her instead, "Please, allow me," he says and sits her down on a tree stump where he proceeded to wipe off the blood and dirt on her skin, fixed her messy hair and covered her with his coat. "This should be fine."

"Whatever, let's just go already," she told him.

"Understood," he says and the next second, they've arrived. When they entered, it was hectic; the doctors and nurses were running around the hospital attending their patients and every phone line was ringing. Lucian stood somewhere in the corner, still close to Helena as she asked the nurse at the counter about her aunt.

"Umm... Is Madam E- Doctor Eris in?" she tiptoed to the front desk that was taller than her.

"Young Mistress, is that you?!"

Helena turned towards the source of the call and her heart jumped, it was a familiar face that she thought she would never see again. "Cassius!" she screamed and ran towards the limping old man; the former butler that worked for her family.

After things had calmed down, Lucian and Helena were escorted to Cassius's room. "No one could have predicted the attack..." he shook his head as he tells his story. "I was on my way to make tea for the Lord and Lady Leverton when I heard the young mistress's scream. I tried to go help but I was hit on the back of my head and collapsed."

"Don't blame yourself, Cassius..." Helena placed her hand on his to assure him. "But, I came here for something else," she changed the subject. "My parents... Did they..."

"Young mistress..." Cassius mutters. "I'm sorry, Lord and lady Leverton didn't make it," he told her.

"I... I see," she choked. "Then... Tell me..." Helena paused. "How long... How long has it been?"

"Three years..." Cassius told. His old grey eyes reflected her expression. She didn't cry; she's strong like Lord Darius... he thought to himself.

"Three years has passed and you're still in here?" Lucian intervened.

"After the incident, I went into a coma. I just woke up a month ago," he told. "The old wounds have healed but it's the old age that's got me," Cassius added.

"And when will you be out?" Helena started. "I need you back at the manor."

"Young mistress, the manor-" Cassius was cut off.

"I'll see it for myself," she intervened.

There was worry in his face, could she really be able to face the aftermath of the incident? Cassius thought.

"When, Cassius?" she repeated.

"I'll be out in a few more months..." he says but noticed something else from her. "Young mistress..." he called knowing that it would be very difficult for a thirteen year old child to ask the question. "The lord and lady... Their graves are in the Leverton Graveyard... I can take you there once I am released."

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