Chapter 4: Someone From Before

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The sun had just rise above the horizon, the roosters were making their call and whatever was asleep, woke up; a new day had emerged. "Mistress," Lucian knocked on her door. "It's time to wake up," he told as he approaches her.

"Hmmm... Mm..." she mutters as she starts to turn in her sleep. Lucian had walked passed her bed and went to the window where he began to spread the curtains. "Aah!" she jolts up when the sun's rays touched her.

Lucian turned to her quickly and ran to her side, "Mistress??" he asks to make sure she was alright.

Helena shook her head, "Please," she repeated thrice. "Don't touch the curtains in the manor. It's too bright" she told, hiding the fact she was burned earlier.

"Forgive me, I thought you'd appreciate to bask in the warm sun when you wake up," Lucian told.

"I don't," she replied briefly as she entered her bathroom.

"I'll get your attire ready for you," he says and left the room.

Afterwards, Lucian returned but Helena was still not out. "Mistress, do you need assistance?" he asks from the door.

"Don't be stupid," Helena says. "I'll be done soon."

"I'll get your breakfast ready," he says and left again.

"I'm finished," she told but Lucian wasn't there anymore. Helena took a look at the dress. It was fine for her, the black color really mimicked what she was thinking but there were still some adjustments she needed to do.

Helena came out of her room; she was heading to the dining room but met Lucian on the stairs. He was about to call for her. "Mistress," he says as they made eye contact and he saw her attire in full detail. "Is that... Alright with you?" he asks.

"It is," she says, fully understanding what he meant. "Is breakfast ready?" she asked to avert his attention.

It bewildered Lucian when she appeared with a mask over her face and gloves over her hands as well as long sleeves. "It is," he told. "I planned for you to have breakfast in the garden since it's such a fine day outside," he began. "But, seeing as your attire is... Covered... I guess breakfast inside it is."

"I'm fine, Lucian," Helena assures him. "Let's have breakfast outside," she heads for the door as Lucian went and grabbed her breakfast.

They headed for the door and as soon as a gust of wind blew on them, she remembered a memory she had while playing in the garden with her mother. Her father was out at work that time.

"Mother, promise me you'll be with me until I grow up!" the high pitched, childish voice of herself echoed in her head.

"Of course, Helena... I'm not going anywhere..." that was her mother's promise to her.

But life had other plans, didn't they, mother? she thought to herself as the flashback ended.

"Mistress, is everything alright?" Lucian peered into her face after noticing her pause.

"I'm fine, let's go," she says and continued her pace but in the corner of her eye, she saw an umbrella stand. Helena took one and Lucian noticed this but kept his mouth shut instead.

"The Leverton Garden is like any other garden with the usual flowers and bushes," Helena starts to explain the history of their garden. "But what makes the garden the Leverton Garden, is the maze that was hand grown as in the seeds were planted by my ancestors themselves to create the maze that we're entering now," she continued.

"I see," Lucian nods. "So, it is a must for every Leverton descendent to memorize the path?"

"It includes the Leverton servants," Helena answered. "I'd like to believe that you have memorized it," she mentions. "Because the main attraction of the maze is the center, unlike other mazes, that focuses on how to pass through it, The Leverton Maze aims their focus on pathways that lead to the center."

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