Chapter 5: First Visitor

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"Her majesty sent a letter yesterday." Lucian hands her the letter he received.

"So she knows..." Helena sighs and accepts the letter while Lucian continues to clean up.

"I've also confirmed that fact when the gentlemen who came to deliver it, told me."

"Alright then, let's see what the queen wants," she says as she broke the wax seal and took out the letter.

"To my little lady," it began. "First of all, I would like to give my condolences for your parents' deaths. They did not deserve such a terrible passing. I pray that their souls are at peace in Heaven." Helena rolled her eyes at the words; she could not feel Draconia's sincerity in them.

"Is something wrong, mistress?" Lucian asked.

"No," she says and continues to read.

"My dear, as the last descendent of the Levertons, you are required to take over your father's position," it gets interesting. "However, due to your age and gender, you can decline it." Helena scoffs, "I've already sent out the invitations. Please come to the palace a week from today and decide whether the event will be your coronation or your farewell," the letter ends.

"Of course you'd like that," she rolls her eyes once more and folds the letter again.

"What did the queen say, mistress?" Lucian picked up the letter and hid it in his coat.

"She's holding an event," Helena answered. "But she's inviting us to the palace next week to talk."

"Did she say what it's about?" he asks.

"She wants to know whether I want to take over my father's job or flee."

"It seems she really cares about you, mistress but why am I not getting the same feeling from you?" Lucian questioned.

"Don't be so innocent, Satan," Helena scoffed. "We're human, there's always something hidden and for the queen, I'm sure she just wants to dig deeper on my return."

"Well, it can't be helped can it?" he shrugged. "If the queen commands it, there's no opposing it. Isn't that what humans are, mistress? To be commanded?" he smiled tauntingly at her.

Before she could reply him, they heard loud knocking from the front door, "Get the door," she says instead. As they headed for it, they could hear, even from the hallway a loud voice calling out her name.

"Helena! Helena! Helena!" it said with banging the door in between.

"It couldn't be..." she mutters as her pace quickens towards it.

"Mistress, please," Lucian stopped her. "Allow me," he says and places his hand on the doorknob.

The door opens; a young man and a middle aged woman stood at the front porch, "Where is Helena? She's here, isn't she?! Where is she!?" he screams at Lucian.

"Young Master Leon, please. This is not how you should act," says the woman.

"I don't care how I should act, they say she's here and I want to make sure she's here, Gracie!" he told.

Lucian clears his throat to get their attention, "If the person you meant is Lady Leverton, then yes. She's here."

Leon and Gracie turned to him, silence at first before he spoke again, "Where is she?" he asks and this time his voice a bit softer.

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