Chapter 7: The First Task

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The sun rose and a new day had come; Helena had just finished her breakfast when their carriage arrived. They could still feel the cold of the night air that is slowly heated up by the sunlight, Helena, as usual wore her long sleeved dress but this time she also ditched the hat and only used the umbrella.

When they arrived at the palace, both Brooks as expected, were waiting for her by the entrance. They always wore amethyst colored suits and lavender ties, it's a wonder whether their hair color is somehow naturally platinum or were they asked to dye it so. There was a rumor back then that said Draconia would only want to see purple or 'happy' colors because otherwise, she would only be reminded of her late husband. Helena, who wore black as her main color, could be an exception?

"Good morning, my queen," Helena bows when she was in front of Draconia.

"Rise," she followed. "Good morning as well, Helena," she said. "I am glad to see you here early even though I didn't say what time you should arrive."

"I figured that I shouldn't delay any more time," Helena explained.

"I admire your enthusiasm, Helena," Draconia smiled. "I expect that it stays throughout the years you will serve me."

"It, as well as my loyalty to you will never waver, my queen," Helena told her.

"Well then," Draconia leaned back on her throne and from her pleased expression, it turned sour. "A few days ago, a robbery occurred at the museum," she started. "Although, I know this isn't the usual job your family would deal with, but the item that was stolen was the ruby my husband gifted to me from one of his many adventures at sea," from her tone, they all knew she was devastated.

The King of Dellhaven was a kind and generous man who had a thirst for adventure. There was not a year where he would not head out to sea with his knights. It was true that the king was rarely in Dellhaven, nevertheless, the people have never complained because with his journeys, he'd return with great prosperity and that with every return, he would have a great party for all.

However, his love for adventure finally came round to bit him when the king himself was sacrificed on his own travels. With his demise, he had left Dellhaven to Draconia and the people were issued a long year of mourning.

"There are no 'usual' jobs for Levertons, whatever your orders are, that is our job," Helena tried to reassure Draconia.

Draconia sighs sadly, "I should've kept it here," and Helena wondered why she didn't but it wasn't her place to ask.

"I'll return the ruby to you, my queen," Helena bowed and tried to leave.

"Oh," Helena turned again, Draconia wasn't finished. "I would like for you to work with the constabulary on this."

Helena stopped; her shoulders slightly slumped at the order. "I... Understand..." she says.

After she was really dismissed, Lucian and Helena headed for the museum. In the carriage, he noticed the troubled look on her face. Although they left the incident of last night gone with the morning breeze, he spoke to her anyway, "Are you alright?" he asked. "It looks as though your enthusiasm disappeared when the queen mentioned the constabulary," he notes.

"The Levertons have never worked well with the constabulary," Helena said. "Although the problem is actually their incompetence in solving simple crimes, they blame us for taking their jobs." She rolls her eyes at the thought of having to interact with them.

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