Chapter 3: The Past

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It was a beautiful afternoon, the temperature was neither too hot nor was it too cold. The sun was out and the birds were chirping, although it was a bit windier than usual, it was a fine day. Just outside the maze garden, a little boy and girl were playing together.

"Hey, I know what we should play next!" Leon suggested as he sat up from the chair. "My brother and I always played this game back at our manor," he explains.

"Ooh," Helena says, showing her interest. "What kind of game is it?" she asks.

"First, we rock paper scissors and whoever wins, leads," he says. "And whoever loses has to listen to the winner," Leon added.

"And when do we stop?" she tilted her head.

"That's the best part, it doesn't stop until we start a new game," he told.

"So," Helena showed a pondering look. "It's like Simon Says?" she asks again.

"Well... Kind of..." Leon shrugs. "I guess you could say it is..." he gave in thought. "But at least we don't have to say Simon. I mean, who is he anyway?" Leon laughs.

Helena stared at him, a chuckle left her mouth. This was nice. Leon was nice, playtime with Leon was nice. "I like you, Leon" she lets out. "You're funny and kind. Your smile always makes me happy," she says.

Leon turned a little red. He was three years older than her; thirteen years old and she was ten. She didn't understand what she was saying to him but it meant the world to Leon. Her like was a definition of love to him. "I... I like you too," he smiled shyly.

"So," she called out. "Are we playing?"

"Of course we are!" Leon became fired up. "Come on, rock, paper, scissors, go!" Leon gave out scissors while Helena showed rock. "What...." he sighs. "I thought I could've won this time..." he says as he remembers he would always lose to his brother, Morgan. "Whatever," Leon lights up, "So, what do I have to do for you Lady Leverton," he bows to play along.

"I can ask you to do anything?"

"Anything, milady," he told.

"I want you to paint on the manor," she giggled with excitement.

"What do you want me to paint?" Leon asked.

"Anything," Helena told briefly.

"Alright, but you have to help me sneak into the shed and get some paint," he says, winking at her.

"Let's," Helena says as she jumped off the chair and ran to the shed with Leon's hand in hers.

After successfully stealing some paint from the garden shed, they sneaked their way to the right side of the manor where no one could see them. They ruffled themselves between the bushes and the manor wall, "I'm going to write our initials," Leon told as he dips his fingers in the white paint.

"Hurry, before Cassius starts looking for us," Helena says in a whisper.

"Don't worry, I'll be quick" Leon told as he writes 'L.L + H.L'. "Here," Leon handed the paint to her. "Dip your hand in here and stamp it on the wall like this," he explained to her as his handprint was visible on the wall now. "This way, this day will forever be saved on this wall," he told.

"What do you mean?" she tilted her head again after leaving her handprint next to his.

"Whenever we see this, we will remember today. It's like a photograph but it's a secret only between us," he says as he places his index finger in front of his lips.

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