Entrance ceremony

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* wakes up *

hwaaaaaah...it's already morning. It feels like I just slept one hour ago. Why does the time pass so fast when you're asleep! Wait, what day is it today? ...it's Monday. Oh no,oh no,oh noo, no way! I forgot there's an entrance ceremony today! I better hurry up!

* 10minutes later *
I'm done preparing and I'm just done in time. I feel like walking today... Yep, I'll just walk. Oh wait, lock the door first.
meh....I should have rode the bike instead. I'm tireeeeeed. Oh wait, I can see the school already! Wow. There are so many students. Oh look, a girl with sky blue hair and her long hair tied in twin tail. She kinda looks nice... I'll try talking to her someday. Woah...Lapis and Iroha. I don't want to hear them screaming and embarrassing me in front of many people so better hide from them. Suddenly, I heard someone screaming my name. It was Lapis. Oh whyy why the hell do you have to scream. " what's with the angry face Gumi?", said Lapis. " Nothing Lapis ", I said as I clicked my tongue. "You look really angry though...Hihi sorry Gumi", Lapis said as she laughed. Uh how annoying. Good thing Iroha's just smiling at me. " let's go already. I think the ceremony is going to start already.", I said as I looked at the clock. Iroha replied, " you're right Gumi. Let's go Lapis."

* 15minutes later *
We finally started the ceremony. Right now, the senior students are presenting their speech in greeting us.
I got a little bored so I looked around me. I saw twins, both blonde. They sure look alike. When I was staring at one of the twins, both of them turned around. They saw me staring at them so they waved at me. I noticed that they were waving at me so I waved back.

* 5minutes later *
After the principal's speech, the ceremony ended. Whew, that was long. Finally, I can go home.
I waved at Lapis and Iroha as they walked home together. When I get home, I'll eat lots of snacks and lay on my bed listening to music. Hmm the twins... I hope to become friends with them.

How was the story? I am so sorry if it was horrible. It's my first time writing a fanfic. Hey hey Teravfon101...I hope you liked it. :P Hmm the next chapter... I'll work on it on the Christmas break because I'm busy this week.

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