//Falling the right way //

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Warnings: Use of the f-word once other than that i can't remember any

Time: Smile era

Brian May x reader

I need to be more careful, I thought as I looked at my legs that were bruised at multiple places. I touched the bruise that was just below my knee, it was new I am going to name it Gary. I always did that naming the bruises, it helped me keep track of each one of them, by far there were 6 older bruises on my right leg and 4 on my left. Sighing I get up to make myself a cup of tea, but no sooner had I left the couch my roommate Mary entered the room abruptly scaring the shit out of me, the shock causing me to fall for probably the fiftieth time that day, I fell on my knees and as I landed on the wooden floor hard, I felt a sharp pain shoot through it, it is going to be bruised and this one will be Martha.

"Thank you for that Mary, as if I hadn't fallen down enough of times today already" I say rolling my eyes as I get up. "Oh! Sorry Y/N didn't mean to scare you, but my boyfriend and his bandmates are going to come over in like 15 minutes, so will you help clean up this place?" she asked, "Yeah alright I will, it is that chap, what was his name, Freddie right?" "Yes" she says blushing slightly, "Will you please interrogate me later and help me clean this mess?" she says pointing at the couch, which was covered in blankets. I nodded and started to clear out the couch while she started with the cups left on the coffee table by it.

As I was about to finish with the last blanket, there was a knock on the door, Mary looked at me and said with a little smile, "I'll get that." I roll my eyes and lightly shake my head, she is in love already, I gather the blanket and quickly go off my room almost falling again and just dump it on my bed for now I was going to use it for the night anyways, I shrug and go back out everyone had already taken a seat and started a conversation. "Really, darling I have a feeling tonight's gig is going to be a good one, I can smell it." Says the man with dark brown hair, wide eyes and a weird set of teeth who was standing next to Mary an arm around her waist, "Well it maybe- oh! I totally forgot, boys this is Y/N my roommate, and Y/N this is Freddie, my boyfriend." She says, gesturing towards the man.

I give him a smile, "So, you are the one Mary here doesn't stop talking about, nice to meet you." I say as I extend my hand. Freddie takes it and looks at Mary with a slight smirk, while Mary glares at me. I wink at her and go towards the kitchen to make myself that cup of tea I was planning to make, "Um, I am going to make myself some tea do you guys want something?" "Uh, no thank you." Says the man with long curly hair and a small smile, which made him look like a cute poodle, I shrug and go in the kitchen slowlytrying not to fall, at least when there are other people in the house and especially when one of them is very attractive. As I made the tea everyone got back to their conversation.

It took me roughly 10 glances towards the curly haired cute guy, whose name I found out from the conversations, was Brian and 2 minutes of panic if he may have caught me looking at him, to finish the tea and pour it in my cup. Taking the cup in hand, I started walking towards the living room where everyone else was. The only place available to sit was next to the table, across from Mary and next to Brian, I made my way to the chair, but my legs decide to give out right when I am about to sit, I nearly fall, grabbing hold of the table to stabilize myself, but that does not stop me from spilling the tea on Brian's shirt, "FUCK!" he jumps up and starts to gently blow on the hot liquid which was now on his shirt.

"Oh my God! Y/N darling, are you okay?" Freddie asks me with his voice laced with concern, I am very much sure by now my face had become as red as a tomato because of the embarrassment, "Yeah, I am fine, but Brian I am so terribly sorry!" "Hey, Y/N its fine, it is not that bad." "No, please I am incredibly sorry, why don't you go clean yourself up?" "Okay, I could do that, mind leading the way" Brian says. I give a small smile still guilty and start walking towards the restroom at the end of the hallway with Brian walking behind me. I stop in front of it and make way for him to go in, still kinda embarrassed. He breathes out a small thank you and steps inside closing the door behind him. I stand there and wait while thinking of different ways to say sorry to Brian, after I nearly burnt him with my tea. After what felt like an hour, Brian came out of the restroom, he turned towards the living room and was about to start walking when I called out for him, he turned around and looked a little surprised to still see me there, "Uh hey, I am sorry for that really, I am just really clumsy and my knees just buckle at the most unexpected times." "No, it's fine really it was not your fault anyways." Brian says as he rubs the back of his neck "Okay fine but still, I have to make it up to you, I ruined your shirt." I say motioning my hand towards the stain which looked like it was not going to leave anytime soon. "Y/N, you really don't have to." "Brian I want to, so why don't you let me take you out for a coffee or something, my treat." Brian looked up as if he was thinking, "Yeah alright, how about this Friday after Uni" "Yeah that sounds good" I say with a smile, real smooth Y/N, real smooth.

~Amy ;)

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