//Lover Boy//

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Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Summary: Fluffy night and fluffy mornings.
Warnings: none
Abbreviations: Y/N= your name
                             Y/H/C= your hair colour


Joe sighed while closing the door. It had been a long and stressful day, to say the least. He was exhausted, and all he wanted to do was cuddle with his fiance.

Thinking she was asleep, he slowly crept upstairs to their room. He entered softly, tiptoeing so as to not wake her. But to his surprise, she was not under the covers. The bed was perfectly made, indicating that she hadn't slept there.

That's odd, he thought, but he decided to change his clothes and then begin his search for her.

As soon as he was comfortably dressed, he made his way across the hall into their guest room. Nothing.
He had checked all of the rooms upstairs, including the attic, but to no avail. He sighed. He did try to call her phone, but it rang in their bedroom, on the nightstand.
He made his way downstairs, his stomach rumbling. Only then did he notice the soft glow of candles coming from their dining room.

Strange. He had either not noticed them before, or they weren't lit before.
But all those thoughts were pushed aside when he saw his beautiful fiance, looking even more heavenly with the lights around her, standing there, smiling.

"So you finally found me, huh?" She said, running a hand through her hair. Even though she was wearing a simple sweatshirt (which was Joe's) and sweatpants, she still looked gorgeous to him.
He smiled, wrapping her in his arms, taking in her warmth and sweet scent.
"Why'd you keep me waiting?" He mumbled.
"What would be the fun in that?" He could hear her smile.
She rubbed his back, kissing the top of his head.
"Come on, I ordered pizza. We're gonna place our butts on the couch and not get up unless we completely need to, okay?" She said.
"Holy shit, I love you."
"I know. I love you too." She said, laughing.

He did exactly as said, plopping himself down on the couch and watching his favorite movie, Y/N's head on his shoulder, while eating a slice of pizza.

If it wasn't because of the bright light, Joe wouldn't have woken up.
He groggily opened his eyes, looking around to get a hold of his bearings.
He found himself on the couch, with Y/N cuddled up and sleeping in his arms.

What a sight to wake up to.

Her eyes were still closed, and she was still fast asleep. Her Y/H/C locks appeared a shade lighter in the morning sunlight. He smiled at her. Without even trying, she was amazing and perfect.

He looked around slightly until his eyes fell on the wall mount clock that read 8:30 a.m.
He woke Y/N up with his sweet kisses on her cheek and neck. She groaned and wiggled a bit, until she was facing him.
"Hi." She smiled, opening her eyes slightly.
"Hey." He breathed out.
She burried her head in his chest, muttering, "Idontwannagetup."

He laughed, his chest vibrating, which sent shiver down Y/N's spine. She loved his laugh, and most importantly, being the reason he laughed and smiled.
His laugh was contagious, and she soon found herself smiling as well.

"But we have to. That is, if you still want to go to Lucy and Rami's housewarming party."
He regretted saying that, as it sent her quickly getting up, taking all of her warmth away.
Joe groaned, "I mean, you could've just stayed a bit longer." he pouted.
She smiled, running a hand through her hair and yawning.
She looked at him and smiled, leaning in to kiss him.
Breaking apart, she winked at him.
"I'll be making breakfast."
Flashing him another bright smile, she quickly scurried to the kitchen.

He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her, if this was what it looked like.


This was pretty short, but long chapters would be posted later. =)

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