//Absolutely Smitten//

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Pairings: Joe Mazzello!Tim Murphy x Reader
Warnings: pining, bad writing, a lot of time jumps.
Abbreviations: Y/N – your name
ps, listen to the song linked above!

Also the interpretation of this character is based on how this amazing blog on tumblr has written : @drtimmurphy   

if you haven't already, then please go check her blog out, she has amazing fics!



You sigh, putting the last of the boxes down in your brand new apartment, taking in the mess in front of you.

After a long day of travelling, trying to guide the movers to your new place and putting the boxes and furniture in their respective rooms, you were tired. Utterly burned out, and all you wanted to do was eat, take a warm shower and sleep peacefully.

You did the first thing on your list quite effortlessly, ordering take out and quickly gobbling it up. But the last two things ? Yeah, let's just say you weren't that lucky.

You stepped into the shower, ready for a hot shower. You tried to turn the knobs, but they were jammed and won't move. You used your entire body weight trying to make the knob budge, and when it finally did, the shower head came tumbling down, as did some really cold water. You yelped and quickly got out of the way, now desperately trying to stop the ferocious stream of water pooling below. It did, soon enough, but you were left with a mess you had to clean. You tried to fix the shower head by screwing it back on, but the excessive amount of dirt made that impossible, too. You sighed, thinking maybe you just needed some rest and then you could fix your problems in the morning. But sleep didn't come that easy. Your air mattress left you sore and sleepless till late at night.

At least tomorrow could be better.

Your day started with the birds singing loudly and the sun shining brightly into your face. You squinted, trying to check the time on your phone.

9 a.m, Sunday.

You quickly got up and stretched, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable sleep. Preparing for the long day of unpacking ahead, you decided to buy some coffee and breakfast. You quickly got dressed and put on some perfume, trying to mask the fact that you couldn't take a shower.

You made sure you had your wallet and phone with you, and stepped out of your house, locking the door. Looking in front of you, you saw a man doing the same. Probably your neighbor.

He turned around, and you both made eye contact. You smiled, offering your hand f0r an introduction.
"Hi, I'm Y/N! I just moved in here yesterday." You said.

He smiled back at you, making your stomach fill up with butterflies. He took your hand, shaking it. "I'm Tim Murphy, your new neighbor." He said. His hand felt rough but warm, and couldn't help but feel disappointed when he pulled away.

You repeated his name, nodding. It suited him.
"If you need any help around here, I'm always open to help. Please don't hesitate if you want anything" he said, his smile never leaving his face.

You thought about his offer. "actually, do you know any plumbers? My, uh.. my shower broke last night and I couldn't fix it.." you said nervously.

"Oh yeah sure, there's actually a list of helpers that work around the complex. I can guide it to you if you want." He said
"Oh no, it's okay, I don't want to bother you. I'm sure you have other things to do," you said.
"Don't worry, you're not bothering me, I'm always happy to help. I-I can show you around if you don't mind. Only if you don't have to work or anything,"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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