Judging Criteria

114 16 2

+Title [2]

Is it related to the story? Does it attract attention?

+Cover [3]

Is it good looking? Does it attract attention? Is it related to the book?

+Description [4]

Was it too revealing, too long or too short? Or was it perfectly pointing out the main plot?

+Plot [30]

Hook [5]

- Did the first 3 chapters lure you to continue reading?

Uniqueness [5]

- How unique is the plot? Did you read something like this before?

Flow [5]

- Were there plot holes?

Delivery [5]

- How well was the plot delivered?

Pace [5]

- Is the pace too slow or too fast?

⇉  Sequence of Events [5]

-Are the timestamps arranged? are the events' time confusing?

+Writing style [10]

Is it neatly written? Are there decent spaces between paragraphs? Are the paragraphs too long? does it make you want to continue reading? is the description enough for the reader or is it too much? Are the POVs confusing or well written?

+Reader's Emotional Impact [10]

Is it boring? do you lose interest in the middle? are there any confusing events? do you feel connected with the story?

+Character's Emotional Impact [10]

Do you feel the emotions of the characters? do you understand their reactions to each other?

+Character Development [10]

Is there a difference between the characters at the beginning and at the end? Did the characters develop suddenly?

+Logic [10]

Do the events make no sense? Or are they well explained?

The author needs to have a reasonable explanation for the events happening throughout his book.

+Grammar [10]

Are there so many noticeable grammatical errors which makes the reader lose connection?

Ex1: He didn't told me [huh!]

Ex2: The sound of the door opening made sheveres run throw his skin [Judge--> sheveres?? throw??]

+Vocab/Diction [10]

How was the wording like? Was it repetitive with no sense of vocab exploration? Or was the wording so complicated which made you want to stop reading?

+Overall view [10]

Excluding errors, as much as possible, was it good? After reading do you feel like 'yeah that's a nice a story'? would you like to recommend it to others? -

+-Satisfaction [5] For completed Books

This will be graded as to how satisfied the judge felt reading the ending. Was it predictable? Was it rushed?

+-Curiosity For More [5] For ongoing Books

How curious the judge is to read the next chapters?

+Activities [6]

Authors need to be active, don't they? That's why there will be parts that will be labelled as Mission. Every player needs to check them, and the rules for the missions will be mentioned later.



The LOL Judging

-The total score needs to be more than 117 points

- First check is the highest Uniqueness score.

- Second check is the highest Delivery score.

- Third check is the highest Logic score.

- Fourth check is the highest Writing style score.

- Fifth check is the highest Overall score.

(+) There will be only one winner so if the above checks were passed by multiple books, one more check will be added which is going to be Grammar.

League of Legends BTS - LND2020 (Judging)Where stories live. Discover now