Day 1- New Animatronics, New Crushes

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Foxy's Pov-

Foxy thinking: Stuck here in parts and services with all the originals on;y if their was someone like me

Old Chica: Hey Foxy, what's up?

Foxy: Nothing, you?

Old Chica: Oh ya kow stuff

Old Freddie: Guys there is a light on at the sound stage

Foxy: Really?

Old Bonnie: Yeah and there is this really cute duck there 

Old Freddie: Yeah and we actully have girls NOW!!!

Old Chica: I AM A GIRL!!!

Old Freddie: Really?

Old Bonnie: Did  you seirously not know that?

Old Freddie: Well you do look like a boy and I jus...

Foxy: Don't even finish that sentence

Old Chica: Guys people are coming Foxy you can come sit next to me

Foxy: No thanks but I have to go to priate cove

Old Bonnie: You mean Kids Cove

Foxy: Yeah Whatever

*At kids cove*

Foxy thinking: Wow so this is what used to be Pirate Cove

???: Well, well finally someone has come to see this place

Foxy: Who are you? What do you want!

???: It's really a shame they got rid of Pirate cove

Foxy: Who are you?

Toy Bonnie: Mangle? Mangle?

Mangle: Bonnie you ruined it

Foxy: Mangle what kind of a name is "Mangle"

Toy Bonnie: Just come out

Mangle: Fine

Foxy thinking: Wow I wonder maybe she is a...

*Mangle steps out*

Foxy thinking: Woah she is the most beautiful animatronic I have ever seen

*Old Chica watching from a distance*

Old Chica thinking: How dare he like her that Mangled version of Foxy

Toy Bonnie: Guys we have to go their setting up

Mangle: You guys go I'll be fine

Foxy: You sure?

Mangle: Yeah I'll be fine

Foxy: Okay

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