Day 4- Worried and Silent

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Foxy's Pov:

Foxy: Morning Bonnie

Bonnie: What are you doing up so early?

Foxy: Going to see Mangle and try to make a new date, you?

Bonnie: Freddie and I were gonna see if we could do seperate dates as well

Foxy: Well good luck

Bonnie: You too

*At childrens cove*

Foxy: Mangle?Mangle?

No response

Foxy: Huhmaybe she is in the prize cornor

*at prize cornor*

Foxy: Mangle?Mangle?

Merient: Ugh... Foxy?

Foxy: Sorry for waking you i thought Mangle might be in here

Merient: Um...

Foxy: Anyway have you seen her?

Merient: Ugh.... no.... 

Foxy: She said she was coming to see you last night

Merient: Well she didn't so bye now

Foxy: Do you know something?

Merient: No and I am really tired so you can leave

Foxy: Wait?!?!?

*Merient shuts her box on Foxy*

Foxy: Merinet?

*parts and services*

Bonnie: Well how did it go?

Foxy: I couldn't find her

Bonnie: That stinks 

Foxy: And I went to talk to the Merient and she wouldn't tell me

Bonnie: Weird


Bonnie: No why?

Chiki: Oh no oh no

Bonnie: What do you mean?

Chiki: Someone said a kid came in last night but no one knows

Chica: Guys what are you doing up

Bonnie: Mangle's missing

Chica: What? Ask the puppet thing she might have taken her

Chiki: Why would dhe do that her and Mangle are really good friends

Chica: Oh then why did she take me?

Chiki: I don't know probiliay looking out for Mangle

Foxy: How did the kid get inside?

Bun Bun: We found out how the kid got in

Foxy: HOW?

Bun Bun: He was the security guards son

Everyone: WHAT???

Bun Bun: Before he left he dropped a phot of im and his dad the security guard

Foxy: That secuity gaurd is dying tonight

Balloon Boy: I will help Foxy

Balloon Girl: NO we need to find Mangle

Balloon Boy: But BG come on she can wait

Balloon Girl: No BB she can't I know where she is I just can't get to her

Foxy: Where is it?

Balloon Girl: I am only taking Bun Bun, Chiki and the Merient

Foxy: Why not me?

Balloon Girl: We have known her longer

Balloon Boy: Can I come?

Balloon Girl: No oh and Foxy you can kill the kid

Foxy: Okay

Balloon Girl: Chiki,Bun BUn let's go get Mangle

Foxy: Mangle...

*at prize cornor*

Balloon Girl's Pov:

Balloon Girl: Merient? Merient?

Merient: Did you find Mangle?

Balloon Girl: Yes...

Chiki: Is someting wrong with Mangle?

Balloon Girl: All I can say is the Mangle is Mangled...

Bun Bun, Chiki: Oh no!

Merient: I tried to protect her but I failed

Balloon Girl: I didn't say she was dead she is just damaged can we go save her now\

Merient: Oh yeah let's go guys

Foxy: Oh no...

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