Night 3- Finally Happened and Ruined

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Bun Bun's Pov:

Bun Bun: I can't wait til Midnight

Chiki: I know right

New Freddie: New Bonnie what are you doing?

Bun Bun: Getting ready for my date why?

New Freddie: Why him and not me?

Bun Bun: Because I don't I'm sorry

New Freddie: I'm Going on the stage see you there

Bun Bun: No you won't

Chiki: Come on Bun Bun

Bun Bun: Yeah

Mangle's Pov:

Mangle: It's Midnight finally

Merient: You sound excited

Mangle: Foxy asked me out

Merient: Yeah I like BB but he likes me in a bro sis way so i have no shot what so ever

Mangle: Well ya know

BB: Hey have you seen Chica?

Mangle: No I saw her last maybe no have you seen her Merient? Merient?

BB: Guess she left anyway Old Freddie's getting worried

Mangle: I thought he liked Bun Bun

BB: He does but it's Chica's jaw it is broken and if it's broken for much longer she might die or lose her voice

Mangle: I hope it is option 2 as oposed to dieing

BB: Yeah

Foxy: Mang... BB what are you ding here

BB: Trying to find Chica

Foxy: Oh I just relized that she hasn't been bugging me lately

Mangle: Of course you just notice shes missing 

Foxy: Yeah well, are you ready?

Mangle: Yeah let's go

Old Freddie's Pov:

Bonnie: I'm ready

Old Freddie: I can't beilive she fell for you

Bonnie: What is that soupposed to mean?

Old Freddie: Have you seen yoyur face 

Bonnie: Ha Ha very funny, wait what's wrong with my face?

Old Freddie: It's gone

Bonnie: What scence when

Old Freddie: I think when we first got here

Bonnie: Oh well

Old Freddie: Your cool with it?

Bonnie: I am just happy that I met soemone that likes me for me

Old Freddie: True

Bonnie: And I'm not Chica who freaked when her jaw broke

Old Freddie: We actully had scilence and foxy wasn't having his ear talked off

Bonnie: Tell me about it, I'm just glad that he found someone like him

Old Freddie: I'm suprised that they haven't put her with foxy

Bonnie: Yeah, I though they would have put her with us

Old Freddie: Well let's get our girls

Bonnie: Yeah let's go

Foxy's Pov:

Foxy: Mangle are you ready?

Mangle: Yeah...

????: Help

Mangle: DId you hear that?

Foxy: Yeah but what was it?

????: It's me you guys, Chica or old Chica

Foxy: Chica, who did this to you?

Chica: That werid puppet thing

Mangle: I'll be right back

Foxy: Can we do this some other time

Mangle: Yeah Sure

Chica: What were you two doing?

Foxy: We WERE on a date

Chica: Oh okay then

Foxy: Come on we have to tell the others

Chica: Where are they?

Foxy: On dates too. Theres was a double date though

Chica: Oh I have missed that much

*Time Skip*

Bonnie: Foxy what is it we are in the middle of something

Foxy: Chica was found

Bonnie: Well Chiki, Bun Bun something has come up I hope it is no hard feelings but we have to go

Old Freddie: Bonnie, What gives

Bonnie: Chica

Old Freddie: Don't you mean Chiki

Bonnie: Chica

Old Freddie: Oh

Chiki: What is it?

Bonnie: Chica

Bun Bun: Where was she?

Foxy: She was in the room next to Manlges

Old Freddie: Can we resheudle

Bun Bun: Sure

Chiki: Sure

Mangle's Pov:

Mangle: Merient? Merient?

Merient: What is it Mangle?

Mangle: Why did you hide Chica in the room next?

Merient: You wern't supposed to go in the room next to yours

Mangle: But why did you do it?

Merient: Becauce your my best friend and i didn't want you to get hurt

Mangle: Why would he hurt me 

Merient: I know Chica likes him

Mangle: Yeah I know 

Merient: How

Mangle: Are you kidding? EVERYONE knows

Merient: Mangle behind you

Mangle: What is it now

Kid: Time to build you my self

Merient: MANGLE!!!!

.....What will happen next......

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