Day 3- The question is asked... Multiple Times

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Mangle's Pov:

Mangle: Uhh Sure... Why not

Foxy: Cool See you tonight?

Mangle: Sure

Foxy: Okay then

Mangle: I'll be right back

Foxy: Where are you going?

Mangle: Guard

Foxy: Oh right can I come

Mangle: Sure if you want

Foxy: Okay then

Mangle: Let's go then

Foxy: But it is the day

Mangle: Looking for a good spot to strike

Foxy: Oh

Mangle: Yeah

Old Bonnie's Pov:

Old Bonnie: Hey Chiki have you seen Chica?

New Chica: Me or the old me

Old Bonnie: The one in my group

New Chica: No not sence last night why

Old Bonnie: It was her turn to be atempt to kill the guard tonight

New Chica: No sorry hey have you seen Mangle

Old Bonnie: She might be in Kids cove or with Foxy

New Chica: Wait she went to try and get a good spot try and kill the guard also I think Foxys wit her

New Bonnie: Hey Foxy asked out Mangle and she said yes

New Chica: That's awesome

Old Bonnie: Hey Chiki would you go out with me?

New Chica: Sure why not

Old Freddie: Bun Bun would you go out with me?

Now Bonnie: Sure

Old Bonnie: Guys it's almost 12

Old Freddie: Later

New Chica: Bye

New Bonnie: Bye

New Freddie thinking to him self in the back: Bun Bun is mine

Merient's Pov:

Merient: You will have to stay here

Old Chica: But all you are is a mask

Merient: Is that all people except Mangle think of me as

Old Chica: What are you doing wait?!?!!?

Merient: I have a body like all of you

Old Chica: Let me out

Merient: You will not spoil what Foxy and Mangle have

Old Chica: Foxy is mine it's not like he asked mangle out

Merient: He did, Now to glue New Freddie to the show stage

Old Chica: Let me out

Mereint: Always hated him

HEY GUYS!!! Just so you know New Bonnie will now be called Bun Bun and New Chica will be called Chiki. The reason is I'm tired of typing New this and Old that next to certain charecters. Foxy and Mangle will go on there date next time as will Chiki and Bun Bun too. I fyou have any idea on what I should do on the dates please comment. Hope you enjoy. Also working on a website will tell you when i am done. Ninjawott sighing out.

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