Night 5- Was it just a dream?

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Foxy's Pov:

Foxy: What do you mean you have to leave?

Mangle: I'll tell him you tell the others

Mereint: Okay BunBun and Chiki arn't gonna be happy but T.F. will

Mangle: Yeah don't forgrt about BB and BG 

Merient: yeah...

Mangle: What about G.F.?

Merietnt: I haven't seen him in awhile

Mangle: Don't you want to say goodbye to your son?

Mereint: I will find him and say goodbye

Foxy: Why are you leaving

Mangle: The manger is goning to.... going to... *starts crying*

Foxy: Don't cry lass tell me

Mangle: He's going to thorw us away

Foxy: WHAT?!?!?!

Mangle: So we have to leave and we might never be able to come back

Foxy: I'll kill him

Mangle: It's Pointless even if you do the truck is coming 5am

Foxy: At least let me fix ye first

Mangle: I would like that

Foxy: Come thenit is twelve and you have til five

Mangle: Thank you 

Foxy: No problem

BunBun's Pov:

BunBun: WHAT?!?!

Chiki: That can't happen!

Merient: You have to say goodbye to Bonnie and Freddy I have to say goodbye to my son

T.F: What happens when we leave?

Merient: We turn into humans

BunBun: Why does he have to thorw us away

Merient: The got the first Freddy Fazbears sback and are going to repair the older models in parts and service.

BunBun: Why

Chiki: Does that mean we'll nevers Bonnie and the older ones agian

Merient: ......Yes.......Sadly.......

BunBun: I will never get to see Freddy agian....

T.F: Yeah you will i'm right here


Merient: Guys relax I have to go see BB and BG

Golden Freddie's Pov:

Golden Freddy: How long did you know?

BG: I knew a few weeks ago looking for Mangle

GF: And you never told anyone

BG: Yeah he always hated us

GF: All the anmitronics

BG: Only the new ones

GF: I know a place you can hide but only on can fit

BG: Once we leave we eiether turn into humans or animals

GF: I need to tell you something

BG: What is it, GF?

GF: Your the first robot t acutlly talk to me

BG: Really why?

GF: When most come the see my silhotte and run after you and my mom are the only ones to actully come and talk to me for more than five minutes

BG: Well this is the most I have ever spent outside a table

GF: Really?

BG: Yeah

Merient: BG? We hav..... Son?

BG: I know I found out weeks ago I tried to tell you but you said go back under the desk

Merient: I know and I'm sorry I didn't listen earlier and son

GF: Yeah

Merient: I am really going to miss you

GF: Me too

*they hug*

*time skip*

Everyone's Pov:

Merient: guys it's almost 5 we gotta go

BunBun: I'm going to miss you FredBear

Freddy: Same here my blue bunny I love

BunBun: I love you too

*BunBun and FredBear hug*

Chiki: I love you Bonnie and I will miss you

Bonnie: I love you too and I wll miss you

*Chiki and Bonnie Hug* 

* Everyone parts and starts leaves except Mangle*

Foxy: Lassie I'm gonna miss you

Mangle: I am to pirate and thank you for fixing me

Foxy: Don't worry lass 

*they hug and after a few seconds*

Merient: Mangle let's go

Mangle: Coming

Foxy: Wait Lass

Mangle: Yeah

Foxy: I love lass

Mangle: I love you too

*Mangle goes up and kisses his check*

Mangle: I better go

????: FOXY! FOXY!


Bonnie: Dude relax

Foxy: Matey: Where am I?

Bonnie: You been out cold for a few hours now

Foxy: What?

Chica: Is Foxy up yet?

Bonnie: Yeah he woke up screaming Mangle, I mean what kind of a name is that

Chica: Yeah.. wierd name

Freddy: Okay team I have a plan.. Foxy your up?

Foxy: Yeah I'm gonna go outside

Chica: Be careful

Foxy: Yeah...

*once outside*

Foxy: It felt so real yet it was dream... Mangle... I love ye lass


Be sure to check out book 2 coming out soon, Hope you enjoy it!!!

- Ninjawott

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