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"I'm sure, Elena. I don't have any children out there, and the moment I do, I will tell you all. But don't hold your breath."

"Well, you and Tia are getting married soon, I'm sure I'll get a grand baby soon enough."

"Don't count on it." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that, dear?"

"Nothing." The details of our arrangement isn't known to everyone. "I just have to get back to work, is all."

"Okay, dear. We're sorry to have bothered you, we know you're busy, it was just a weird coincidence."

"Yeah, it was probably just a coincidence," Mia agrees. "That boy's mother looked too young for you, anyway."


As I walk Elena and Mia to the elevator, I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about this child they ran into today that supposedly looks like me.

"Hey, how old was my illegitimate love child, anyway?" I try to joke so I can get enough information to figure this out.

"Around two." Elena answers casually as they enter the elevator.

I pace back to my office thinking maybe I should look into this.

They seem to think this child looks like me, enough to chased down the mother. It could be possible. I'm careful, always using protection, but condoms do break and aren't 100% effective.

While I have had my share of women, both Lauren and I have been known to get lots of girls in school, my sexual relationships has Slowed since becoming the CEO of DEH are few and far between. I'm just too busy for sex. That's one of the reasons I'm thankful for Tia; no more dating. I just don't have the time for it and I never really liked it.

Let's see, the child is about 2, factor in 9 months of pregnancy, give or take if she was past due or early. Not to mention I look like I'm studying for a math quiz with my fingers and calculator going at the same time. Hmmmm... There were two women I was with back then.

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