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Now that we're somewhat alone, Chris being distracted with the animals, we can talk a bit more.

"My mother." She says cryptically before explaining, "She didn't want her friends to know that her teen daughter got pregnant from a one night stand. It would look badly on her skills as a mother, as she put it. Her current husband was going to pay for my college anyway, at the local college in Houston , but she convinced him to send me somewhere else so I wouldn't be seen. Washington was his idea, I don't really know why exactly but I'm glad we're here."

Me, too.

"So... you were underage... when we..."

"Um, yeah," She blushes. "I'm sorry I lied about my age, I used a fake ID that night."

"I was young once, I understand." Lauren and I did a lot of crazy, stupid shit when we were teens, and even more in college.

"Hey, I'm not that young!" Mani bumps my arm with her shoulder. "We're only, what, nine or ten years apart?"

"Okay, ten years older than you isn't that bad, but you being underage when we..." I raise my brows to make my point clear so Chris doesn't overhear anything he shouldn't.

"I was almost 18, a legal adult." Mani says in her defense. "And it was consensual, I wanted you just as much as you wanted me that night."


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