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I'm so sorry for what you'll be reading but not rlly ;)
Also you'll learn the characters as you go on there's to many to name in one intro 😂

"I have an announcement" said the Wilson mom Haley.
Every one sat up in there bed awoken by the annoying sound of pans being banged to together and there mother or grandmother or even greatgrandmother stands on an old half broken soap box yelling out.
"What the hell mom" Logan the eldest son shouted as he put a pillow on his head trying to block the sound.
"Ok ok mom what is it." Abby the third child from the mother said as she was trying to get the information from the loud ass woman on the shabby soap box.
"Well, it's been almost 10 years and we finally are allowed to go back to church!" Haley said smiling to be answered with a ton of tired faces and baby's crying.

"Well isn't that nice" Jake the second child from the mother said as he grabbed a beer out of the fridge half drunk.

" oh and I have another announcement!" The mom says as see smiles at the unhappy room of her family. "I'm pregnant again!!!" She says as she is just greeted by her family giving her a fake smile and getting up to get ready for their so called 'church'

I know I'm crazy but me and my friend decided it was time to write about this shitty imaginary family using people that we know😂 yea it's just going to get cringier I'm sorry🦀

Wilson family Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora