•how exactly did that happen•

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I don't even know what I'm doing🤧😂

*on the plane still*

"Grandma?" The little girl Allie asked Haley as her mom Abby was passed out in the chair.
"Yes honey?" Haley asked
"How did you and grandpa meet?" Allie asked with curiosity in her eyes.
"Are you sure?" Haley asks not knowing how to explain.
"Yes i wanna know how it happened" Allie said as she leaned in closer seeing her grandma was about to tell her the story.
Haley sighed "well it all started in 1980"Haley said as she got comfortable in her seat knowing it will be a long story.

*1980- Friday, January 15th 4:45pm*

As a young girl Haley was walking home from school she was greeted by a young boy about her age.
But, she had never seen him before but before she could continue speaking the was already talking to her.
"Hi!" The boy said as he smiled at the girl next to him who just stared back in shock.
"O-oh hi" Haley said as she didn't know what else to say to the boy.
At that time Haley was 16 years old and in high school.
"I'm Christian what's your name?" He asked very curiously.
"U-m my name is h-Haley?" She asked unsure why he is talking to her.

*later still walking*

"So like would you want to go and hang out sometime like as friends possibly?" Christian said as he looked at the uncertain girl in front of him.
"Um first what's you name like full name?" Haley asked as looked at the boy.
"Oh Yeah my name is Christian Wilson. What about you?" Christian asked curiously.
"Um my name is Haley Baxter" she said to Christian as she sees his eyes light up.
"Cool, so when would you wanna hang out?" Christian asked.
"Um maybe this weekend?" Haley said as a suggestion.
"Yes! How about tomorrow 5pm?" Christian said as he looked at Haley
"O-ok that sounds amazing!" Christian said about to walk off.
"Wait!" Haley said as she stopped the boy.
"How will I know when you like ready to go or like that other stuff?" Haley said unknowingly.
"Ohhhhh right my bad" he says as he digs around in his pockets till he pulls out a stubby mini pencils and half of a yellow stickie note.
He began writing slowly but then finished and handed the paper back to Haley.
"W-what's this?" Haley Asks as she looks down to see a number written on it.
"Oh it's my number and make sure when you call the phone make sure you tell my dad you need Christian, well you know how the landlines work we all have-'em" he said as he walked off and looked back and waved to Haley who smiled back and turned around and ran off.

*the next day*

<1980- January 16th, 3:30pm>

"Hi is this mr wilson?" Haley asked as she hoped this boy didn't prank her with a random phone number.
"Yes yes this is him. Who is calling?" Me mr Wilson asked.
"Uh this is Haley, is Christian there I need to speak to him." She asked as mr Wilson was headed yelling Christians name in a country like accent.
"Hey Haley!" Christian said excitingly.
"Hi Christian I just wanted to know what exactly is going on." Haley asked.
"Well I was going to come pick you up. I actually have my own car! But then we're going to go to this beautiful lake or if you want we can do something else." Christian said as Haley wondered what to say.
"Well I guess that's fine u-um so when will you be here?" Haley asked as Christian sat there and she just heard random noises coming from the other line.
"Oh sorry Yeah so I guess I'll come and get you at 5 like we said yesterday" Christian said.
"Ohhh yeah right I'm sorry I forgot you said that. Ok, well I'll be ready at five." Haley said as Christian just hung up the line before she Could.


A car pulled up to Haley's house as she hurried to leave before anyone saw her.
She got out to see Christian in a country looking truck.
"Hey Haley!" Christian said as he waited for her to get in.
When she got in the car she was greeted by a warm smile from Christian.
"Hello" Haley said to Christian who kept staring at her.
"So where are we going?" Haley asked as the feeling around them got awkward.
" oh right" Christian says as he starts to drive off.
"Well I thought that we could go watch the sunset over the lake or we could go to the beach wherever you want" Christian said waiting for an answer.
"Let's go to the lake and maybe the beach another time." Haley says as they both listen to the music Christian turned on.

*one year later*
<1981 March 2nd 9:58pm>

Christian received a call on the phone.
He quickly took it before his father could and went in his room and shut the door.
"Hey Haley" Christian as he heard crying on the other end.
"Christian I'm pregnant" Haley said crying harder.
"B-but were only 17 we can't have kids yet??" Christian said in a panic
"Yeah well you think I wanted a fucking kid? No so be a man and figure this out" Haley said mad about Christians response.
"We need to get away" Christian said.
"WHAT!?Like run away?? I'm sorry but we cannot do that." Haley said in rage.
"Fine but I don't know what to do and I don't think you do either" Christian said.
"No shit Christian?!" Haley said as she hung up the phone and walked down stairs to tell her mother.
Her moms name was neveah ruder and her father Marcus Baxter. But, she hasn't seen him since she was 12 years old.
"M-mom" she said as her heart beat faster every second.
"I-I'm pregnant" Haley said as she looked at her mom who was crying.
"I didn't want you so fucking end up like me who the even is the father?!" Her mom said angrily.
"C-Christian Wilson" Haley said as her mom stood up and went to the phone and called Christians dad.
Supposedly Haley's mom works with mr Wilson.
"Hi yes this is neveah again and I think you should know that your son knocked up my daughter and now she is pregnant?!" Haley's mom said still in disbelief.
After a thirty minute wait of her mom talking to his dad she hung up and turned to her daughter.
"You have gone against paster bob your dad me and now you cannot live in this house you must leave! I do not ever want to see your stupid face ever again and that goes for until you see what the hell you did to yourself." Her mom said as she motion her finger towards the door.

*haley somehow made it to the church and lived there and called Christian every day till one day...*

<1981, September 27th 3:59am>

"Hurry call the dad" a women who works at the church said as Haley screamed in pain.
"Honey do you know the dads number?"
The lady said as Haley said that number in pain.
Later Christian came to see what was going on after he got the call.
He was now 18 and was an adult and no longer lived with his dad.
"She's in labor honey" the women said to Christian as they were already at the hospital.

*1981-September 28th 1:45Am*

"Here's your son ms" the women handed a baby with curly blond hair to Haley as Christian stared at the baby.
"What do you want to name him Christian?" Haley said as she stared back at the baby.
"How about Logan?" Christian said As Haley nodded her head and they both stared at Logan.

*1986- march 15th 7:16pm*

Both Haley and Christian have a house together with their son Logan who was now 5 years old.
"Oh no no no" Haley said as she looked at the pregnancy test and looked back up at Christian.
"Is it positive?" He asked.
Haley shook her head yes as they both sighed.

*back on the plan*
"And we are now landing in incheon airport" the pilot said.
"But grandma I want to hear more" Allie said as she pouted.
"Well we can save the rest for when we fly back ok?" Haley says as the hundreds of people from her family exit the plan including them.

This is just weird idk why I agreed to do this 🤧

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