Important update

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Hey guys..
I am here to talk about the corona virus its been spread to all over the world. some countries, states, cities and villages are in lockdown. This is because to prevent the virus from spreading to others who we care. We are loosing so many lives just because we are thinking that we dont have that virus and meeting others. May be you dont have that doesnt means when you meet others you cant be affected. You say you miss your relatives, friends, family and others by lockdown call them talk to them you can face time but if you meet them in this type of situation there is a possibility we may loss them. Think like the lock down is not for you its for the people you care. Create awareness, explain them for those who cant understand. There are families, parents, childeren, brothers, sisters, friends who are waiting for the people affected by virus to return home safely by recover from the virus.
So many families are suffering from the loss of their families members due to this virus please dont neglect what the government says be in your home and cut the chain of corona. Give strength to the one who are fighting, support them by staying indoors.

Do five to avoid it

1. Clean your hands regulerly
2. Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes
3. Use tissue, handkerchiefs for coughs and sneez. If not available at the time    cough/sneez into your elbow
4. Keep distance from the people who are unwell. Wear mask, use sanitizers, hand wash
5. Stay at home and self isolate.

The medical team are doing their hard work to help the people please respect them by staying at home. Like us they were not getting any leaves, holidays. They are treating the patients selflessly.
Thank them by stoping spreading of virus.
Get well soon to all fighters of corona victims. Stay home stay healthy
Thanks to all the doctors, nurses, cleaning staff and public services. Thank you so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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