Chapter IV: Kendra

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Training Camp

Fall is for perserverance, you rake up all the leaves, and they just spread back out everywhere, thanks to the swirling wind, just to put them back in piles to make it easier to get rid of. Sometimes it's just like that. My parents are always pushing me to my limits and I just can't keep up. Doing new sports every year, getting A's in school and also helping my brother with his homework.

Winter is for courage, the snow falling so gracefully, knowing it won't be melted until spring. With courage comes decisions. Meaning that, whatever you do, whoever you do it for, the decisions you take will make a difference. The risks you decide to take, with them comes consequences. You'll need a plan. A starting point. Before you start, you'll have to ask yourself, how far will you go to make a difference.

Spring is for confidence, confident that all the leaves will grow back, all the flowers will bloom, the beautiful birds will begin to sing and chirp and bears come out of hibernation. As well as my excitement goes up since I get to leave this heat in Argentina. If just once my friends could finally realize that I'm not this perfect girl with a pretty face, perfect grades and the athletic figure anyone would want. I'm just a girl that's trying to be good enough for her parents but half of me wants to be recognized for who I am, not who people want me to be.

Summer is for liberty, I always enjoyed the summer. When school is done, my parents can't push me at all because I go to visit my grandma in Antarctica, our ancestral land. It's peaceful. There are no tests to be done, no chores to complete. I look outside and see the seals, narwhals, and orcas and I feel home. You don't have to wake up always worrying that you'll disappoint your parents. Because I can tell you, that I'm at the point of breaking. No matter what, keep going. Someone taught me that, and I will forever be grateful.


In Norway, we had a good life, plenty of money, a nice school, good family (even with my scientific stepdad and step-brother). My brother is the most annoying person and the favourite, always perfect in my stepdad's eyes, and my mom just goes along with it. He always makes himself seem high and mighty but, he doesn't have to be good at everything. Honestly, his strongest trait is being a hypocrite.

One thing I didn't understand was that I didn't have many boyfriends. You'd think that an almost perfect girl would have a waiting list of guys willing to date her. You'd be wrong. Not one.

It's better that way though, no extra stress.

But, the pressures of society got to me. The first time I show feelings for someone, I get shut down, in the worst way. I asked a guy, Beckle, that I liked out, he said yes, then bailed the day of our date.

The weeks went by, and Beckle and I just became friends, I hide my feeling like everything else. I tried to be fine, whatever that means. The years went by quick, nothing has happened between anyone and I since.


We've been living in Norway since I was just a little girl. Before then, we lived in Antarctica with my grandma. That was the best time of my life back then, my brother hadn't been born(hallelujah). I never really knew the main reason behind us moving to Africa. I think it had something to do when my dad died, afterword, my mom had no reason to stay.

Though my mom would try and try to convince grandma to move in with us. She told me that she didn't want to leave her friends there. In my opinion, I think that it's mostly because it's where my grandpa died and she likes feeling close to him.

Every morning I get reminded of my carefree side. Our house being so close to the waterfront, I hear waves crashing on the coast. It reminds me of the cold summer days I spend on the canoe with Grandma, hunting seals, and the day the letter came. Awakened by the sound of the wind blowing hard on the cabin, I realize that my grandmother is nowhere in sight. She probably went fishing. These summer days, there's a lot of things that can be done alone. For instance, sitting by the frozen lake, taking pictures of icebergs, or calling my parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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