Chapter II: Callie

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The Mission

Fall is for Fear. When you fall and you can't get up. Remember when you had those first steps? You fell, but you got up again. That's one life lesson that you should never forget, What is fear? Fear is to be afraid. Fear is to feel that you're not safe wherever you are. The only fear that I've experienced was the fear of constantly making mistakes, leading up to the point where the consequences hit you right in the face. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? I, I see a ghost. A ghost who walks around the crowded streets, unknown, unseen. A ghost who can't even take back control. Because for me, I might as well be possessed by the devil himself.

Winter is for Grief. Winter has its ups and downs. The cold for some people. The holidays for others. But for me, winter is Grief. Because winter is cold, bitter and sorrowful, so is Grief. Grief is a big word. Grief makes you do foolish things. I'm not one to tell. Since then I started to act more responsible, more mature, but honestly, I was dead inside. Lonely, lonely is a state that you would probably not like ending up in. But that was our state. My brother and I, we were scared. He took care of me and made sure that I was safe. Teaching me things that no one else could have explained better. I can lose myself, but the only thing I would never want to lose is him.

Summer is for Lost. When you're lost and you can't go back, think of summer. Think of the ocean. The oceans scent, how the water caresses your feet, think of how you would feel at that moment. Lost. I'm lost. My parents are lost. My soul is lost. How do people expect you to get over it? How can anyone get over the fact that they just lost the people that put them in this world? They tell you that they're sorry for your loss, but are they really? Do they really know what you've been through? I blocked them out. I put a big wall between me and everyone else. I lost a lot of my friends by doing that. But I never lost Adam or James, both my best friends. They are everything to me.

Spring is for Smiling. We smile when we see the roses blooming. When we know that Spring is the time of rebirth. When everything comes back to life. Smiling makes people around you feel better. It also makes you feel better. But for some people, it's a mask. For instance, people with major depression will smile to make the people around them, the people that care about them the most know that they're okay. But really, they're not. When people ask you to open up, it can be difficult at sometimes, but never choose the option of suicide rather than an opportunity.

Memorizing the map of the world is a tricky thing to do. That is after all what I am currently doing. I sit down on my bed and look around. Feeling the cool breeze coming from the open window, I wonder how anyone could be disappointed by this feeling. This feeling of not having to worry about anything, the feeling of freedom. Of course, that sensation only lasted a minute. I sigh and close the window. Opening the door, making sure to not make a sound, I tiptoe downstairs, watching my every step.

"Can't sleep?''

The voice startled me. I looked up to see my brother sitting at the kitchen counter.


Is all I can say. He laughs and walks towards me to ruffle my hair.

"So, what's on your mind?''

I don't answer. He cocks his head, curious, I could see in his glare that he wants to know.

"I'm just a bit hungry,'' I press to reply.

"Well, in that case, I'll make us sandwiches.''

He wanders off gathering the ingredients for the sandwiches. Sitting down at the counter, Adam finishes making them and hands one to me.

"Thanks,'' I mumble

We eat in silence. Adam and I didn't need to talk to understand each other. As I finish, he offers me a glass of milk which I accept.

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