8. Noah

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11 years ago

"....and it's just you....."

I gave my guitar strings a final tug, ending the melody of my original song.

"That....that's, I am speechless, man. I want to make fun of you for that cringe-worthy love song, but it's amazing." Christian told me with a pat on my back.

I placed the guitar aside and made some final corrections to the song sheet. I had been working on it for a month now. Our course was at its end, we were about to graduate in less than three months, and the farewell party was scheduled for the next week. That would be my last chance, my last chance to perform this song and confess to-

"Hailey, right?" Christian's words halted my thoughts, and I looked at him, surprised as if he read my mind. I think for a very very brief moment there I blushed, I repeat, it was only momentary. It was close to seven months since I met her, yet, I hadn't mustered up the courage to ask her out. To think that Christian would remember her. Yes, she was part of our strategy club, but he was hardly an active member. My brother from another mother had a sharp memory.

I grinned and bobbed my head in agreement.

The phone started ringing, and I pulled it out of my back pocket. The caller ID said it was our landlady. I was confused, and Christian peeked at my screen.

"Mrs Jones? Why is she calling you?" He asked.

I shrugged. I was clueless. Mrs Jones NEVER called us. We were one of the best tenants she had.

"Did you forget to switch off the shower?" I raised an eyebrow at him. I half expected him to say a yes because he had done that often before. Regardless I picked up the call and got ready for a scolding.

"Hello, dear Mrs Jones, how-"

"Noah!" She panicked. "There... there.... someone left a baby at our doorstep, and... It's addressed to you!"


Present Day

It's funny how fate likes playing games with you. I rented the restaurant next to her house a few years back only to learn that she had divorced Christian and we were going to be neighbours. It was like destiny wanted to torture me by reminding me of my love for her. Just when I thought nothing worse could happen and had come to terms with my hidden feelings, she dropped her deal on me.

These six months are going to be torture.

I stared at my old guitar in the closet room. It had caught a lot of dust. The last song I made with it was the one I was going to use to propose to Hailey. I picked it up and shook off the dust from it and struck a string. It was severely tuned off.

"Funny to see you here papa bear."

"Stop calling me that already Brandon", I said as I placed the guitar back on the dirty table and turned around to come face to face with one of the twins.

"You got it wrong papa bear, it's Landon", he spoke as he flicked back his hair away from his face.

"Keep telling yourself that Bran, I could always distinguish the two of you since day one." I walked out of the closet to where he was standing and locked up the door.

"Dammit, how is that possible!"

"Because I love you guys!" I laughed and then caught his neck in an arm lock and ruffled his hair. "Anyway, what are you doing here alone? I thought you never separated from your evil counterpart."

"Well he fell asleep early, and I was bored, so I thought I would spy on you."

"Well then, what did you discover, Sherlock?"

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