꧁Chapter 1꧂

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"Two souls don't find each other by accident"
                                                             - unknown

I've always had this connection to nature, to Mother Earth and the creatures that surrounded her. It's almost like I can feel her pain when an animal dies and feel her joy when another is brought to this earth.

So this is where I spend a lot of my time, somewhere in the forest that surrounds our pack houses. I enjoy sitting by the river while the deer and squirrels prance around me.

But, no I'm not a wolf. I know, bummer right? Both my parents were full blooded wolves strong and powerful, warriors of the pack.  And I am a weak wimp of a human. Pathetic I know, but as for my parents, They died fighting on the front lines during a rouge attack.  And, I was barley one.

I was taken in by my fathers best friend, uncle Zane. Or alpha Zane to most. My dad was his beta, his best friend. We both lost people that day along with my parents he lost his wife Calliope and, his little girl, Brea. He never told me how they died and I never asked, it wasn't my place.

So he took me in and raised me as his own along with his son Andrew who was Brea's twin brother, and a year older than me. At 17 almost 18 he reminds me all the time.

He treats me like his little sister, and he's always been there for me. I'm grateful to him and uncle Zane everyday for giving me what most people in my situation would not get. A second chance at family, a second chance to be loved.

"Cleo" I hear my name being called from behind me. I quickly turn and there's my cousin Andrew about to tell me it's time to go inside. Him and uncle Zane don't like me being out after dark.

Even though this is our land you never know what rouges or spies are lurking around in the dark, and with me being human I'm automatically overpowered.

"Coming" I yell back at him in the distance. I get up from my spot on the ground and brush the dirt off my jeans saying quick goodbyes to the animals that surround me. I look back towards the river and look at the sun setting behind it. I get this feeling of uneasy peace. Like somethings coming but I can't figure out if it's good or bad.

Pushing those thoughts away I turn back at the brown haired boy who's waiting for me at the edge at the forest and jog over to him.

"How was training?" I ask him out of breath from the little jog over here. Dang I'm really out of shape.

"It was really good tonight, oh and guess what." He tells me excitingly. "What" I say quickly.
"We were sparring and Ryker challenged me." Andrew says darkly. My stomach drops at his words. Ryker the 6'2 black haired blue eyed monster who broke my heart and my trust.

Andrew and uncle Zane never liked Ryker. They said he was too self centered and treated me like crap, manipulating me every chance he got. I was too blind at the time to see it. He would shame me for not wanting to drink, or sleep with him. It's not like I'm the type of person that's going to wait till marriage or am scared or anything. But something was telling me not too that it was a bad a idea so I listened to my instincts and they were right. He cheated on me with my best friend Gretchen later that week saying it was my fault I wouldn't give it up to him. I always knew we were bound to break up anyways he has a mate out there and they would find each other. So maybe I broke my own heart.

"So what happened" I ask "with ryker" I add awkwardly.

"I finally had the chance to beat his ass without hearing anything from my dad." Andrew says trying to lighten up the mood.

"Is he okay" I ask quietly looking down at my feet.  Andrews lets out an annoyed breath.

"Besides a broken nose and bruised eye he'll be fine in a couple days." Andrew responds sharply not looking at me.  "Come on, it's my turn to make dinner tonight." He motions towards the house.

I look up smiling at him and we walk side by side down to our home.

"Good you kids are home, I need to tell you guys something very important." Uncle Zane says cautiously. Oh no this can't be good.

"The bloodstone pack will be here tomorrow to work out a peace treaty." He tells us waiting for our reactions. My stomach drops once again. Uncle Zane used to tell us stories of that pack when we were little. They killed any person to cross their territory without question. They took young boys from their families at the age of ten to train as warriors, some wouldn't come back. Their old alpha, Roman never found his mate. It's said that his heart was too cold that even a mate couldn't melt it. He slept around and eventually had two boys. Maximus from his first relationship and Everett from another. It's said Maximus died in battle along with his father leaving the youngest Everett the keys to the kingdom when he was 15. Without any family and not knowing his mother he himself turned stone cold and is said to be more ruthless and messed up than his father.

Andrews the first to speak. "You aren't serious, you really think they want peace, dad they don't want peace they want our pack. They're going to over throw you." Andrew is almost yelling at his dad but still trying to be cautious of his word choice since he is speaking to the alpha.

"And we are prepared for anything that comes this way, the blue moon pack is sending some warriors to help just in case things go south, but by the looks of it everything will be fine." Uncle Zane reassures us. The blue moon pack is the neighboring back a few hours away. Their alpha used to be uncle zanes beta after my father died so they are really close and help each other out.

Andrews storms off frustrated and I look to my uncle. "Are things really going to be okay?" I ask quietly looking up at him.

He looks off in the distance for a minute trying to figure out what he should tell me, but I already know the answer. "I hope so kiddo." He says giving me a weak smile. "Get some sleep, we've got a long day tomorrow." And with that he kisses the top of my head and walks away leaving me confused.

Ahh ok so first chapter I hope y'all enjoyed it and please give me suggestions and ideas and I'll listen to all feed back thank youuu for giving this book a chance!!!

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