꧁Chapter 4꧂

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"So... what were you doing out here anyways?" I ask landon and we walk back to the house side by side.

"I was out for my morning run, smelled something unusual, then found a stubborn girl about to do something stupid." He teases giving me a little smirk.

We continue to walk in silence for awhile until we come up to the house and I start to feel Everett's power around me. He's close.

We walk into the pack house as I try to hide behind landon as best as I can so I don't have to face him.

"Hey man I found her taking a walk through the woods I decided to walk her back just to make sure she got here ok." Landon covers for me. Everett has his arms crossed over his chest and looks like he's going to kill us.

I don't need his help. I don't want to feel like I owe him something now. Someone like him wouldn't just do this out of the kindness of his heart. He wants something in return and I'm not stupid enough to fall for it.

"No, you know what I jumped off your balcony and tried to make a run for it. I was going to jump over that cliff and whatever happened happened, because ya know anything's better than here." I say angrily taking a step closer to him and raising my chin up showing him I'm not afraid.

"You know what." He says curtly "your right anyplace is better than here, you want to leave so bad." He takes a step closer grabbing my upper arm roughly, dragging me outside the door. Oh no this can't be good.

He starts to drag me to the woods and I think heres the part where I die. This is it. I don't get to say goodbye to Andrew or uncle Zane. Just like that I'm going to die. Andrew better keep his dirty paws off my cookies or I'm going to come back and haunt him.

I don't protest as he drags me, what's the point?
We stop abruptly right before we get to the cliff. What is he going to push me over and hope I drown.

"Jump." He says shortly not looking at me. Jump? Am I on a suicide mission now? Does he not want to carry the guilt of killing me himself that he's gonna make me do it. Who does this guy think he is?

"What can you not kill me yourself." I tease. There's no way he'd actually be able to kill me his wolf won't let him.
He tilts his head at me slightly a small smirk playing on his lips.

"If I really wanted to kill you you'd be dead by now, so I'm going to let you see how lucky you are. If you jump and live it won't be long before you get hypothermia and freeze to death out here. And if you die well then that's just icing on the cake." He says darkly.

"So what's it going to be, come back with me or face your death." He looks between me and the body of water below.

"Jump" I hear a small voice in the back of my head. It makes me gasp. What the hell was that. Is my conscious talking to me.

"Just jump trust me it'll work out in your favor." The voice says again.

"Till we meet again Everett." I say as I turn and let my body fall.

I can feel the cold breeze on my skin and I make my way down. And as I hit the water it feels like I just got stabbed all over my body with glass but I didn't hit anything.

Those sons of bitches lied to me. I open my eyes under water and don't see any rocks close enough to hit. I stay under water for a second enjoying the silence. It's peaceful.

But that peace doesn't last very long when I turn and I see another body crashing in the water. Ruining the silence.

I swim to the top gasping for air waiting to see who the other person who jumped is.

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