꧁Chapter 2꧂

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I wake up at the sound of Andrews alarm clock. Whatever time it is it's way to early, but for werewolves getting up and training is part of their daily routine. As for me I have school. High school.

Then suddenly it hits me the bloodstone pack is coming here today. Alpha Everett is going to be here. I get a feeling this isn't going to end well. I quickly get up and hop in the shower trying to push the uneasy feelings down as I wash my hair.

After I get dressed I grab the couple of knive I usually keep on me. One in my boots and the other on my belt. I grab my black jean jacket throwing it on and head downstairs.

Like usual no one is here in the morning. Uncle Zane is off in the pack house dealing with business, and Andrew who graduated last year is training some of the pack soldiers down in the woods.

I walk towards my car glancing at the pack soldiers sparring against each other. For the most part everyone's cool with me being human no one really messes with me or says anything bad, besides a few glares here and there, but nothing I can't handle. Also being the alphas niece and Andrews best friend probably scares people from saying what they really think of me.

Most of the kids under 18 go to school, but usually none take it seriously since once they graduate they'll have a part in the pack. Either being a pack warrior or doctor, even helping out with the orphans and kids who have no family. That's what I plan on doing.

Those kids need someone, some need a parent and others just need a shoulder to cry on, I hope to be the person I needed when I was younger or was going through a rough time. A mom.

I pull up to the school parking lot and find a spot to park my car. I immediately spot my best friend Greta running towards my car. She's a little 5'3 blond haired ball of energy. But I'm no one to talk about height only being a couple inches taller.

She stops right in front of me hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. "Cleo, there you are I missed my best friend." She says in between breaths.

"Your only friend too" I snort back, messing with her. I mean she's my only friend too besides Andrew of course.

She rolls her eyes at me sticking her tongue out making both of us laugh. "Okay so can you spend the night tonight you know it's Friday night maybe order a pizza and watch cheesy romance movies." She ask enthusiastically.

As I'm about to say of course, since I've never rejected free food and a night with my best friend I suddenly remember that the bloodstone pack will be there. The ruthless Alpha Everett, will be there. I gulp at the thought and look down at my feet before looking back up.

"I can't tonight we have out of town guest coming over for my uncles business and he wants me to help prepare dinner for them." I say watching her smile fade. It wasn't a total lie they are there for business and out of town. I'm just not making them dinner

"Oh okay, well maybe Saturday night or next weekend." She says a little sadly.

"Yeah I can do Saturday and maybe I can bring Andrew if your parents aren't home." I smirk at her a little and watch her turn red. She's had a huge crush on Andrew since forever, but she's always been too shy to act on it and I never pushed it because like I said werewolves have mates I don't want her to get led on and he suddenly finds his mate and then what he gets to be happy and she gets her heart broken. And on the other side I can't tell her she has no chance or he wouldn't like her that's just a shitty best friend. So I'm stuck in this middle to where I don't bring it up a lot unless I'm just messing with her about it or I kind of just brush it off when she does bring it up.

"Yes bring Andrew you do that." Her face brightens up and she's almost jumping up and down. We hear the bell go off and part ways to class.

I don't hate School some of my classes I do enjoy and others I think are pointless. Well for me at least. I don't think I need to know algebra in order to take care of orphan children but uncle Zane wants me to get a full education and keep my options open for the future. Meaning a real career ya know going to college or the army or whatever my heart desires as he always tells me.

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