Chapter 5

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*knock knock* My eyes shoot open at the sound of the door. "May I come in my Luna." I hear a squeaky voice peaking in the room. I choose to ignore the name since it's way to early to argue. "Yeah sure." I say groggily sitting up in bed. The smell of dark chocolate invaded my nostrils and I look around to find myself back in Everett's room. Great now I'm back to square one.

A girl around my age comes in holding a tray which looks to be like soup along with water and a some medicine. She doesn't say anything as she sets the tray on the night stand so I break the silence. "It's Cleo by the way, you don't have to call me Luna." I say awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

"Oh-h ok-k and I'm Erin." She says shyly. I smile up at her. "It's very nic-" I'm cut off when her shaky hands trop the tray of soup all over the bed and ground in between us. The sound of the glass bowl shattering on the ground is enough to make her gasp. Erin looks up to me with fear in her eyes. "I'm-m so sor-ry Luna, I-I didn't mean to." She says kneeling at my feet trying to pick everything up.

Before I can tell her it's totally fine and bend down to help her pick it up both our heads snap to the doorway where we can see an angry Everett standing there. He doesn't even have to say anything because I already know what he's going to do. She'll get punished for trying to help me.

"What the hell happened." Everett snaps walking closer to us. I can hear Erin whimpering Behind me. I stand up and make sure I stay infront of her. "I spilled my soup, it's not a big deal." I say sternly looking him in the eye as he towers over me.

I can see him having an internal debate with himself. "This better be spotless Erin and you, get changed and go downstairs now." I don't even bother trying to debate with him. It's too early in the morning. But then again it's me and I let a little something slip. "Someone's grumpy." I mumble under my breath and turn back to help Erin with the mess.

"Erin stand up." He suddenly says turning back around and Taking a step closer to her. "That'll be three days in the cell for breaking pack property." He says angrily making her shrink besides me. What? Who locks up their own pack members? Back home my uncle only used them for rouges who wouldn't cooperate. And remember I'm the one who did this.

"But she didn't break it I did." I say stepping infront of her again. "I don't care." He says and try's to reach around me to grab her arm. I get in between them and attempt to remove his hand from her arm. "Please no alpha." She begs tears rolling down her eyes. I use all my strength to try and get him off her but it's no use.

"Take me instead." I say firmly looking him in the eye. "I'm the one who broke pack property. What are you to weak to punish someone who broke the rules that you have to take it out on someone else?" I tease. With a smirk on my face.

He turns to face me and let's Erins arm go roughly. "Davina." I hear him call from outside the door. What is that like a dog or something?
Nope. In comes a girl with long legs and jet black hair. She's wearing all black and I can see tattoos covering her arms and neck. Okay i will admit she's intimidating.

"Yes alpha." She says seductively giving him a half smirk. It makes my blood boil for some reason. Heck no I'm not jealous I can't be "Take This one here to the cells, and give her a good show." He says smirking at her before looking back at me. Show? What is she gonna strip in front of me or something? Sorry to break it to you Everett but I'm not into that type of stuff.

The women, Davina walks towards me and grabs my upper arm roughly, and I let out a little yell. I don't protest though because I know that if I do he'll take Erin instead.

Davina keeps her grip on my upper arm as she pulls me along numerous doors and we end up somewhere underground I think.

We walk into a room that smells like rotten flesh and has cells on either side. The room is made out of concrete and there are blood stains everywhere. It makes my stomach flip thinking about Everett's words earlier "give her a good show." I take it back i would rather have Davina strip in front on me than have her hurt me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when she pushes me roughly into one of the cells and locks the door. "Hey what are you doing." I say harshly and she walks out through another metal door. I take the time to look around my cell, taking in the concrete walls full of stains I assume is blood and the small light that is a few feet above me.  It smells of blood and rotten flesh and I have to stop myself from gagging.

My head suddenly snaps at the sound of the door opening again. Davina walks out with two men who are cuffed at the hands and ankles. Their clothes are ripped and they have swollen faces with blood coming down. Davina thrust them forward towards the bars of my cell.

"Choose." Is all she says motioning to the men I suppose are prisoners. Choose? My stomach drops at the realization of what she means. Choose which one dies and which one lives to see another day.

"No." I say shaking my head at her. I hold her angry stare as her eyes bore into mine challenging me. "Fine, I'll choose." She says a hint of excitement in her voice. Before I can even process what's happening she pulls out a gun and shoots one of them in the back of the head.

I watch the mans limp body fall to the ground and I can see the other one starting to panic. For once I'm at loss for words. I watch as the blood starts to spill from his head and it travels towards my bare feet that are on the ground. If there's one thing I hate more than pineapple on pizza it's blood.

I can't do blood.  I remember one time at school I was playing soccer and I ended up getting kicked in the face and I got a bloody nose. As soon as I felt the blood rolling down my nose I started hyperventilating and ended up passing out after screaming bloody murder.

I look back up to Davina who has a smirk on her face that I wish I could rip off. That's when the hyperventilating starts. Great perfect time for a panic attack.  "You know what I was gonna do this later but I'll just get it over with." I hear her say and then another gunshot Pierces through my ears as I watch the other prisoner fall to the floor.

Expect his eyes are open and they're looking right at me. My body falls limp to the ground as I try to move closer towards the prisoners to see if there is any life left in them. They're gone.  I let the tears fall out as I sob letting my head fall onto the bars of the cell.

"Get up let's go." Davina says harshly as she opens the cell door stepping all over the two men's bodies like it's nothing.  She try's to grab my arm and i yank it back away from her.

"Don't fucking touch me." I scream at her. Still she reaches forward trying to grab me and pull me out of the cell. "No!" I scream as loud as I can, and that's when I see the light bulbs above us shatter and everything goes dark.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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