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Quietly Anya slowly pulls the covers from her body, paying attention to not wake up the guy beside her. As she finally succeeded in her mission, Anya looks at the sleeping man on the bed.No, not man, the boy who has been sleeping beside her the whole night. Oliver and she have been dating since last year and in the beginning, she thought that she eventually met a guy with who she could last longer than a few months. But that hasn't been the case. Just as the last times Anya felt like a mother watching a child when she was with Oliver instead of feeling like a loved woman.  Last week after classes Anya decided to end her relationship with Oliver, not only because she didn't love him but also because she felt that Oliver and she had different dreams of their futures. While Oliver wanted to stay in their small hometown in Colorado, Anya had dreams of focusing on her model career in Los Angeles. Of course, she told Oliver about her plans but he only laughed and said that he would never move out of Colorado because he would miss his mother. 

After leaving Oliver heartbroken in front of their university she felt miserable and didn't expect Oliver to ever talk to her again. But to her surprise, he showed up at her door yesterday evening. He was crying, looking at her with red swollen eyes while pleading her to give him one more chance. She swallowed hard at his words and decided to call his mother to come and pick him up. But suddenly while dialing the number on her phone, Oliver took her phone, threw it on the ground and kissed her hard. That's how they ended in her bed. 

After picking up her clothes, she went to the kitchen. Right after opening her eyes this morning, she realized that she had to leave in order to change something. Otherwise, she will live the same life over and over again. And Anya knew how unhappy she would be with that situation. Quickly she wrote a small note on a piece of paper and left it on the kitchen table. 

I'm sorry, Olly.


Anya picked up her phone which was still lying on the floor, put on her shoes and left the apartment with quick steps not looking back at her old life which made her feel unsatisfied and unhappy.

Guys my ageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora