Chapter 2

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Opening her eyes, Anya looked at an unfamiliar ceiling. She felt a rush of panic but quickly realized where she was as she heard the voice of the old lady from yesterday. She was in LA. Anya picked up her phone from the nightstand and checked her messages. A few from her friends from Tennessee, asking how her flight went or how if LA is really is the way it is always shown in movies. 

But one message caught her eye immediately. The name Oliver suddenly the only thing she could see. She really wanted to answer his messages but ignored the urge and deleted it. There were two options for her. Either keep on clinging on her old life or creating a new way of living, the way she always dreamed about. Anya's choice was the last one. 

She quickly pushed the covers from her body, went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. Her plan for today was to go to the city and look for a part-time job so she could make money as long as she isn't making enough with her shootings. Anya quickly left the bathroom and went to her luggage to find an appropriate outfit for the day. Her choice was a white blazer with white heels. Classy.

Anya left her room and nearly bumped into a stranger. "Oh, excuse me.", she said quickly and looked the stranger in the eyes. A young man wearing an overall was standing in front of her. "Hello, I don't think I already had the pleasure to meet you. My name is Brian and what's your name, beautiful?" I smiled at him but tried to ignore his attempt to flirt with me. "I'm Anya. Moved in yesterday.", she said, " and I really have to go now otherwise my boyfriend will worry." 

She wasn't interested in having any romantic relationships at the moment, so she tried to best to act as If she isn't interested. "I see. It was nice to meet you, Anya. I hope I will have the pleasure to meet you again.", Brian said with a grin. She nodded and quickly passed him. Anya left the building as she waited for the taxi which she ordered earlier. As the taxi arrived she only told him her direction. 

She wasn't sure what she expected from LA. Anya wanted it to be a city full of possibilities, a place where she finally could fulfill her dream of becoming a model. As the taxi stopped she gave the driver the money and left. She was welcomed by a full, loud and bright place.  Everywhere were people. What a difference to her hometown.  

Anya made her towards the shops. She needed a part-time job but it didn't really matter which one. She would love to work in some fashion store, mainly because she has been interested in clothes since her childhood. It was the only thing that somehow still connected her with her mother. Before her accident, Anya told her mother of her dreams of becoming a model and she supported her unconditionally. Since she could remember her mother and she always used to design clothes and to sew them together quite the opposite of other mothers and daughters. 

At the thought of her mother Anya wanted to cry. Is her mom currently watching her from heaven?  Lost in her thoughts a bright sign suddenly caught her eye. 

"Searching for a young and creative employee."

She decided to enter the small ship with the bright sign infront of it. The sound of a bell announced her visit and she was greeted by two beautiful brown eyes. "Hey, welcome to YOUNG. What can I help you with?", a girl with blue hair asked. "Hey, I saw that you are searching for an employee. I would gladly take the opportunity.", she quickly said. The girl scanned her appearance and smiled. "Congrats! You are employed.", she said with a huge smile on her smile. " That quickly?", Anya asked her. "Well, you obviously have a great style, so I don't see a problem why I shouldn't employ you.", she said laughing. 

Anya smiled back at her. The girl quickly showed her around the shop. "By the way, my name is Emily. What's yours?", Emily asked. "I'm Anya.I moved  here yesterday." Emily laughed. "I knew it. Something about you screamed I'm not from LA.", she said. Anya laughed and wondered if she really didn't match the atmosphere of LA. Obviously there was a huge difference in growing up in Tennessee and LA. After showing her the whole shop and explaining to her how things work in YOUNG, Emily told her about a fashion weekend here in LA. "I'm planning to go there with a few other friends, you can join. I think it might be a good idea to promote YOUNG and of course to start your model career. Many designers will be there.", Emily explained. Anya nodded.

Maybe the whole idea of moving to LA wasn't as stupid as she thought.


Yes, obviously the Fashion weekend I mentioned doesn't really exist( I guess, I have never been to LA) . Anyways I hope you enjoy the story and excuse my grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language so feel free to criticize:)

Guys my ageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora