Chapter 3

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The days at YOUNG passed by quickly and soon the weekend came by. Anya already planned the whole week her makeup, outfit and hair, so she could make the best possible impression. She really wanted to breakthrough. She wanted to become a model that you could see on covers of magazines such as Cosmopolitan or Vogue. She wanted to run on fashion weeks for designers such as Armani or Chanel. But of course, Anya would also be happy with any job as long as she would get on. She was only standing at the beginning of her career.

On the morning of the fashion week, Anya decided to wake up 4 hours before it. It would take her an hour to the spot and around three hours to get ready.  Anya quickly stepped into the shower,  washing her hair and body. Afterward, she dried her hair and straightened it even though she decided to put it into a ponytail. Her makeup was also pretty simple, she didn't want to overdo it as designers usually searched models who were natural. As Anya stepped out of the bathroom, she quickly looked at the clock and realized she still had two hours until the fashion week. 

She decided to eat her breakfast outside and leave earlier. As she looked at her outfit, she smiled proudly. It was one of her favorites which she used to wear when she went clubbing with friends back in Tennessee. She put on the blazer and her boots. The belt gave the classic outfit some shine and Anya turned to face herself in the mirror. She felt beautiful and confident.

Catching her phone she left her room and took a taxi to the spot where she would meet Emily and her friends. As she arrived, she looked at her phone and realized that she still had quite some time until she had to meet Emily. Anya decided to go to the coffee shop which was around the corner and get some breakfast. As she stood in the line, she heard someone standing behind her, talking nervously at the phone. " Yes sir, I will be there in five minutes.", he said with a shaking voice. "No, the line is just so long.....I'm sorry, sir. Yes, I will be there in three minutes and no second later with your coffee."

Anya turned around to look at a young man. "I have time. You can take my spot.", she told him smiling. He looked at her surprisingly and thanked her with a shaky voice. As he left the coffee shop two minutes later with his orders, Anya wondered if he worked at the fashion week. 


As Anya arrived at the meeting point Emily was already waiting with her friends. "Hey Anya, you look gorgeous.", Emily smiled at her. "Thought we could use some coffee before this long day. I wasn't sure what everyone.", Anya smiled at Emily and her friends. Emily quickly introduced her to them. " That's Jason. We have been friends since middle school, he works at the surf shop not far from YOUNG." She gestured at a young man with blond hair, tanned skin and blue eyes. The typical surfer boy. Anya nodded. "And that's Akari. She moved her three years ago from Japan." A girl with pink hair smiled at her. 

"So where do we enter?" , Anya asked. Emily pointed at a door. "This door is especially for designers and as we are representing YOUNG we are allowed to use it.", she explained and made her way towards the door. Anya followed her as well as Akari and Jason. "So, when did you arrive in Los Angeles?", Jason asked. Anya looked at him. "About a week ago but it already feels like weeks.", Anya said. Jason smiled and concentrated again on the boxes he was carrying.

As they entered the building, they were greeted by a huge and loud mess. Everywhere were items of clothing lying around, people screaming at each other and loud music playing. Anya realized she would leave this event with the biggest headache ever. "So, our room is B23 where we can prepare our clothes, later we will transport them to the main building.", Akari explained. Everyone nodded and made their way towards their room as Anya suddenly spotted the guy from the coffee shop, he was smiling at her as he beckoned her over. 

Anya quickly excused herself from Emily and her friends. "So I assume your boss let you rest after you brought him his coffee.", she said with a smile. The guy from the coffee shop laughed. "Yes, but only for a few minutes. This event is really important to him. I'm Brian by the way, and you?", he asked curiously. Anya introduced herself to Brian and told him a little bit about her work. "So you're only working at a shop?", Brian wondered shocked." You look like you literally like you just came from the catwalk."

Anya laughed. "So who is your all mighty boss? Is he some famous designer?", Anya asked and locked around. Brian looked at her somehow uncomfortable. "Well, you probably know him. He is one of the most popular and famous designers of our time. He is-......"  Suddenly Brian got interrupted by a deep, masculine voice. "Nicholas van Doren." Anya looked into ice-blue eyes. The same she looked into at the airport.


uhuuuu she finally meet Nicholas! Next Chapter is going to be in Nicholas POV. Hope you enjoy:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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