Chapter 5

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I walk out the, already crowded with doctors, room and continued walking to todoroki. He stood up and grabbed Josie to carry him. "What happened?"

I didn't respond to his question, and pulled out my phone. I call Croy and put the phone against my ear. "Bakugo? Did something happen? Did it go wel-" "can you pick us up?" I cut him off. My voice was a little deep, and it sounded calm. I wasn't calm. I was screaming, crying, begging for my mom to have another chance at life, but deep down, I knew it wouldn't work. "Yeah sure." He responded. I took the phone away from my ear and ended the call.

Mei was making sad noises beside me. Like she was about to cry. I put her head on my shoulder and pat her back. "It's okay, no need to be sad, everything will be okay, I promise." She then stopped making noises. I look at todoroki and he had a worried face. "D-did she..."

"It doesn't matter. Come on, he's on his way." I started walking and he followed.

5 minutes later

Croy pulled up, and stopped the car. He poked his head out of the car, and looked at us. I walk over and opened the back seat. I buckled up mei in her seat. I looked at her, and she had a worried face. "Bakugo...Sab." She raises her hand, and put it on my nose.

I grabbed her hand carefully, and tried to give her a warm smile. "It's going to be okay. Let's go to the store and get you both something later, eh?" I asked her in a excited voice, and she giggled.

I closed the door, and walked to the front. I opened the passengers seat, and got in. I buckled my seat belt and looked in front of me. "B-bakugo. Dude, did everything go okay?" He asked me.

I gulped. I didn't respond. I want to forget about it. "Let's drop todoroki off." I said.

"Bakugo, I can stay and help take care of them." Todoroki responded. "If you want to, if not, we'll drop you off. It's fine to say no." I said.

"No, I'm fine, but are you?" He asked. I took a bigger gulp. "I'm fine, don't pity me. I'm fine, everything is fine, no one is hurt, we're okay." I said louder, but lowered my voice a bit.

They both sighed, and Croy started the car and started moving. I pulled out my phone, and looked at my messages.
Shitty hair🍁

Hey bakubro! I just wanted to know if you were bus-
I deleted the message before I finished reading it. It was probably an invitation to a hang out, and I would've declined anyways. I went to my photos and saw that uncomfortable vibe picture. I deleted it, and a different one came up, but it had the same person in it. I deleted it, and another one came up.

I kept deleting pictures, until a normal picture came up. I sighed. I must've deleted at least 20 pictures. I turned off my phone, and looked up. 'The mall?'

"I heard that you were gonna buy them something, so I brought you here. You have your money with you, right?" Croy asked me with a smile.

"Yeah." I mumbled, but it was loud enough so he could hear. "Cool, let's go." He got out.

3 minutes later

I put the hat on him for the final touch, and backed away. Mei and Josie giggled and laughed as they looked in the mirror. Croy walked over, and raised an eyebrow at me. "What did you-oh my god." He covered his mouth, and looked as if he was gonna explode of laughter.

I didn't realize it, but I was about to laugh too. Mei is in a cupcake costume, and Josie is wearing a burger costume. "They look so cute, but so funny." I mumbled.

"Okay, stop fudging around, bakugo. We actually gotta start looking for clothes that they can actually wear without looking like clowns." Croy stopped laughing, but I know he's holding it in.

"Screw you, this is funny af. But fine, I can't waste 30 dollars on these." I took both their hats off, and took of the costumes. They had their clothes underneath so it's fine. "Wait, where is icyhot?"

"Your classmate? Oh, he said he was gonna look around and try to find something for them." Croy picked up mei, and I picked up Josie.

"Oh my god. I just got a great idea." An idea popped in my mind. "Do they have it? Oh this is gonna be so freaking great." I smiled evilly as I tried to look what I was thinking.

"You look like a drug dealer looking for drugs, but can you tell me what you are trying to find?" Croy tried to follow, but I was a bit too quick. I went through the clothes, and...I finally saw it. I gasped and ran over to it.

"What did these kids do to you?" Croy sighed, and looked up. "Oh my god." He gasped.

"Look at it! It's a matching pair of dragon onesies!" I hold it up.

"Oh my goodness, it looks so cute." He squealed.

"Okay, calm down. It's cute but not that cu-oh what the fudge, it looks awesome." I chuckled.

I then gasped dramatically. "Do you want the onesie?" I looked at the 2 and they laughed and raised their hands. "Onsi! Onsi! Onsi!"

"What the fridge is a Onsi?" Croy raises an eyebrow.

"I think they are trying to say onesie...oh, good enough so far." I shook it off, and put it in the cart. "Maybe we should try to find something like...a toy. Maybe a toy that can help them say words correctly."

"That isn't a bad idea, but they are one. Don't you think you are going too fast."

"They grow up too fast. In other words, we have to teach them some words before they go to school, that way, they can communicate with the teacher better. Cause it's not like EVERY student is gonna learn sign language." I crossed my arms, and waited for his answer.

"Fine. You got a point. They are gonna continue growing quick until they're 8, so they gotta learn quick."

2 hours later

Mei almost made contact with the floor, but I catched her in time. "It's okay, it's okay. Let's try again." I lift her up, and backed up a bit. "Come to big brother! Come on." I lift my arms up, and she did the same while laughing. She took 1 step, and then another step. "Your doing great!" I smiled.

She took 3 more steps, and jumped up and hugged me. "Yay! You did it!" I clapped my hands while hugging her. She giggled, and squished my arm.
'Not you too...'

I winced, but tried to wear my blank expression. "Oh! What's this?" I hold up a toy bear, and she stood up. She whined, and tried to get it.

"Okay, I cant say no to that face." I gave it to her, and she sat down to play with it. "At least you did 5 steps. That's a new record." I sighed.

1220 words
Do you guys wanna know why I put a leaf in kirishima's text name? Because that leaf reminded me of his hairstyle.

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