Chapter 7

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I was talking to Iida, but then Kacchan walked in the classroom. I look over to him, and widen my eyes. I see kirishima, sero, Mina, Kaminari, and todoroki looked at him with surprised and worried looks.

Kacchan has a black eye, a bandaid on one cheek, and a gauze on the other. He has wraps on his arms. To his elbow, all the way to his fingers, and I think I see blood on his hands!

"Bakubro! What happened to you! You look like you got in a fight!" Kirishima ran over to him, and yelled, worriedly. I walk closer to him, and gave a sad expression. "What happened, Kacchan?!"


I was making my way home with supplies, and sighed. 'Maybe I should train more that that. That was barely anything. I could've done something better! Maybe...' I was so concentrated in my thoughts, I almost didn't realize that I was pulled in an alley.

"W-what the fuck?!" I look in front of me and see a guy that looked like he was 37 years old, and was high on drugs. He had black fingerless gloves on, ripped pants, and a dark green hoodie.

"Be quiet." He whispered and grabbed my neck. I went to attack his face, but he grabbed both of my hands. "L-let me g-go." I tried to yell, but it ended up being a whisper.

"Oh, now I remember. You are the spoiled Hero student that won the sports festival, and got kidnapped. You really are a bad student." He chuckled, and his breath smelled terrible. I coughed. "C-cover your mouth n-next time, you old drugged dumb Cunt!" I gritted my teeth, and he glared at me.

"You deserve a punishment~" he whispered and rubbed his leg between my legs. I widen my eyes, and tried to kick him, but then...another hand stopped me..?

I look up and see he was 3 arms. "I can grow at least 5 arms. So, you don't stand a change against me~" he continued whispering to me, and it made me gag.

"Get a-away from me!" I continue to grit my teeth and glare at him. I try to activate my quirk, but then his hand that was grabbing onto mine, gripped really hard. I winced, and my quick didn't get fully activated.

"Don't use your quirk on me. That's it." He gritted his teeth, and unbuttoned my pants. I widen my eyes, and tried to break free, but this guy is really strong. 'I will not let this guy rape me like it's no big deal!'

He put a hand in my pants and rubbed my dick. I gasped, and tried to get out of his grasp even more. "L-let me go!" I finally was able to yell. He tightened his grasp on my neck, and it made me chock a little.
"I said...LET ME THE FUCK GO." My voice wasn't as loud as I wanted it to be.

"But baby~..." he whispered, and it made me gag again. "We're almost on the good part~"

I glared at him, and continued to squirm around. "..if you could at least stay still..!" He growled and glared at me. "What makes you think I will. D-dumb ass."

He unzipped his pants, which made me squirm around a lot more. He put one of his hands on my right leg to stop moving, and did the same to my left leg. I panted, and got more scared as the seconds go by. 'N-no. Not like this...please!'

His hand went from my neck, to my mouth. My quiet yells, turn into small mutters as he did that. He came closer to me, and I tried to move, and run away, but he still kept me in place.

His dick then was rubbing against me, and it made me sick to my stomach. He moaned, and the hand that was grabbing onto mine became more loose. 'There's my chance!'

I quickly grabbed his wrist and made a small explosion. He yelled, and backed away a bit. My legs, my hands, and my mouth was free. I did what I wanted to do...I kicked his dick.

He growled loudly and backed away to the wall opposite of the one I was pinned on. He glared, and zipped up his pants. I picked mine up, because he pulled it down when he got his dick out. "Shouldn't have done that!" He yelled.

I tried to run away and get out of the alley, but he grabbed my arm, and punched my right eye. I yelled in pain, and backed away. I didn't fall though. I just gripped my eye, and panted.

"COME HERE!" He yelled and ran over to me. I looked up quickly and got in a fighting position. "AP SHOT!" I quickly yelled, and the blast hit one of his bottom arms. He yelled in pain.

I ran over to him and was about to punched his face, but he dodged, and pulled out a blade from both his gloves. I widen my eyes, and almost dodged his attack by hitting my right cheek, but he ended up making a small cut instead.

I hold my cheek, and look over to him. I didn't realize, but he was also about to hit my other cheek. I gasped, and almost moved out the way, but he made an even bigger cut. I panted, and gave him a glare.

"Stop glaring, and fight me like a hero would do! If you are planning on being a hero, then just give up! You are doing a terrible job at protecting yourself and hurting me-" I run over to him, and hit him in his chest. He coughed and backed away.

I let out a big sigh, and stood up more straight. "What did you say? I only head a baby crying." I smirked, and he stood up in a fighting stance.
"YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THAT!" He yelled in anger.

"Uh huh, sure. We'll see about that." I gave my normal angry look of pride that I usually hate, but let out anyways.

After 1 or 2 minutes, he runs over to me and looked like he was gonna hit my stomach, so I guarded it by putting my hands out so I can make an explosion. Right as he was able to touch me, I made a giant explosion.

I sighed, and let my guard down for just a second. I looked down and panted. I then felt a sharp pain on my hands, i looked up and gasped. He has his pocket knives in my hands, and I could see the knife right about to slice the back of them.

I yelled, and made an even bigger explosion. This time, I could see he was taken aback from this and was backed away at least 10 feet, but that Didn't stop me. I made another big explosion. I continue to do so for at least 7 times. It really took the energy out of me, and it made me hands hurt 10x more than before.

I look up, and I see he was on the floor, some of his pants were destroyed, and so was his hoodie. He was shaking on the ground in pain. He looked unconscious. I panted and turned around and ran out the alley.

I picked up the bag and looked around. Nobody was around. I ran away, and for some reason. I started to cry as I was running.

'Why? Why me out of all people!' I gripped the bag, but winced once I gripped it too hard. 'What did I do to deserve that...?'


"Nothing." I grumbled. "I just got in a fight with someone. No big deal."

"A fight! Bakugo, that's unacceptable! You should not be fighting anyone in U.A!" Glasses ran over and did his weird arm thing. "Who said it was from U.A?" I replied, and he paused. "Besides, if you were me, you would probably do the same thing."

"No, I wouldn't! You need to go to the nurse's office this instant and get yourself more healed! I don't want our classmates getting distracted because of your violent behavior!" He continued to speak.

It didn't make me that angry, but I acted like I was. "Shut up, four eyes! I don't care what people think! If they get distracted, it's their fucking fault! They should just mind their own fucking business if they wanna concentrate!" I yelled at him, and he stopped.

"Now leave me alone, all of you losers." I pointed at them, and they walked away, except...IcyHot. "When I mean everyone, I mean you too, fuck face!"

I felt bad that I was calling him names too, but I had to keep up my tough guy act. He walked closer to me, which made me loose my angry face, to a confused face. He got really close, like 1 foot away. He put his face next to mine, and whispered. "Meet me after school, we'll talk."

1528 words

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