Chapter 1

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England, London  2020

That morning I woke up with a strong feeling that something would happen today
but I can't figure out what that would be

Slowly getting out of the bed to get ready for the day. As I was walking to the bathroom my phone rang, walking to my little table next to the window. I picked it up and saw that my best friend was cavlling. "Persephone are you up? Because I'm coming to pick you up,it's our first day back from fall break." Laughing at her happy energy this early morning," I'm not ready yet,but I will be ready in 15 minutes"," Okay ,I'll be outside".

We finished the conversation and I headed to the bathroom.  I stand in front of the mirror and look at my face, somehow there is a lot of life in it, even my eyes have a spark in them.

After I showered, I wrapped myself in a towel and left the bathroom.  I walked into the room looking for what to wear for my first day of college after the fall break.  For a few minutes I thought about what to wear, but eventually I took my black pants, black T-shirt and leather jacket over.

I went down to the living room to get my bag, after that I headed to the kitchen to grab an apple because I didn't have time for something bigger. Scarlett was already waiting for me in front of my apartment in her little car, which she got for her 16th birthday.

I leave the apartment and as I was locking the door from behind me I hear Scarlett telling me to hurry up or we will be late.

"Don't worry Scarlett we're not late, we have plenty of time until the first class."  I know, but I want to get there early and see new students, I've heard they're from Russia".

As Scarlett continued to talk about her fall break, I wandered off with my thoughts again that I hadn't even noticed we had arrived until she said my name.

  "You wandered off again," she looked at me a little sadly, "Sorry, you know that happens to me sometimes."  With a big smile she just nodded. "I know and that's why I love you."

After saying goodbye, Scarlett headed to another part of campus because her classes were there.

She is the opposite of me.  Scarlett is always happy and smiling, she has blonde hair and blue eyes I have black hair and black eyes,she is 6'5 and I am 5'1.So she is  taller than me ,and sometimes I feel so small next to her. She comes from a wealthy family but she is not like the others, so I love her  because she is different from the others.  Unlike her who studied archeology, I study literature. I'm not like her,I'm quite and withdrawn .The reason is because my parents were killed when I was little.I don't remember much from that evening, but I know it was a drunk driver.

I arrived 20 minutes before class started.  I sat down in my usual place, in the back of the classroom.  I put my bag on the table and pulled out a book I was currently reading.  I read until I noticed that the classroom was full.

Shortly after, Professor Blackwood came in and started talking about the plan for this semester.

As usual, I wandered again into my thoughts, into my memories of that fateful day, when my parents were killed.  It's been a long time since then and I miss them , but I try not to think so much, to move on.

I was still in my thoughts that I did not notice anyone standing next to me until he had cleared his throat.  At that moment, I automatically lifted my head and got a little dizzy.  My eyes fell on a man with crystal gray eyes.  At that moment, I felt like the time stopped around us as I watched him.  There was something weird about him that I couldn't understand, but I also felt that something was drawing me to him.

He coughed again and brought me back to reality.  It was such a weird moment that I didn't want to think about it.

"Is the seat taken?" He asked, pointing to the seat next to me,I just nodded, knowing that if I spoke I would say something stupid.

He figured that it wasn't taken.

When he sat next to me, I could take a closer look at him.  He was tall, he had developed muscles that I thought  could kill someone if he wanted. His hair is black ,his eyes are crystal gray and I can see tiredness and something more in them , but I don't know exactly what.

As I stared at him, he turned to me," Is there something on my face?" In that moment I wanted to die. " No, there is nothing on your face", and in that moment I realized that I did not hear his name when the professor introduce him.

"Maximiliano,my name is Maximiliano". It's like he could read my mind. " I'm Persephone, nice to meet you" , " The pleasure is all mine Persephone."

For a moment longer he looked at me, untill the bell rang. After I heard the bell,  I picked up my bag and rushed out of the classroom, I heard that he was calling me, but I didn't look back. After that moment with I didn't see him again for the rest of the day.

Part of me was a little sad about that thought. What's happening to me, I don't even know him. But why do I feel like  something is drawning me to him.

This is the first chapter I hope you like it.
And don't forget to like, comment and vote.
Till next time, xoxo

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